The New Kid

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I tossed my set of house keys in my backpack that also held a few notebooks and my laptop. I reached in the fridge to grab a cheese sandwich I had made the night before and also tossed that into my bag. Lastly, I grabbed my bus pass and kissed my mom goodbye.

The bus ride to school was okay, though it was strange taking public transport instead of a yellow school bus. When the bus pulled up in front of Degrassi I hopped off with ten other students, readjusted my pink and blue stripped hoodie under what felt like a passive parka and made sure my purple coloured jeans were sitting properly on my hips and in my boots. I lifted my eyes to the doors above the steps and with a silent sigh stepped forward. All I had to do was act, to play the part of a happy teenage girl and everyone would believe. Everyone had to believe it, myself included.

A girl with murky brown hair that flowed straight to the mid of her back was holding open the door and telling everyone to head to the gym for the opening assembly. I vaguely remembered where the gym was from my tour, but to be sure I followed the main stream of people. Only a few steps from the entrance to the school was the gym. Chairs were laid out, students and teachers alike were taking their seats wherever they pleased. I found an empty spot near the back and pulled out my phone. The next ten minutes I spent playing Candy Crush and people watching, when two people came closer to where I was sitting.

"Hi, do you mind if we sit here?" A blonde girl asked in a very cheerful voice with a hand motion to the empty seats beside me.

"Go ahead," I said with a half smile.

"I'm Maya, by the way," the blonde had felt the need to introduce herself, "and this is Grace" and apparently her friend as well. The girl who looked like an opposite of the blonde gave a small smile.

"Julie," I said short and sweet.

"So, I'm guessing you're new to Degrassi?" Maya said with a question, "I haven't seen you around before."

"Yeah," great, she wanted to talk, "just moved to the city with my parents."

"Well, welcome to Degrassi."

"Thanks, I guess." I said slightly confused as her voice turned bitter.

"Yeah, and it's a total drama free school. Super great that way." Grace had spoke up, in a tone of intense sarcasm, and apparently causing Maya to elbow her.

"Ignore her, she just said that because my cheating ex just walked into the gym." Ah, that's who the bitter voice was directed to. I followed the eye line of both girls to a tall, dark, and rather handsome guy who was apparently the 'cheating ex'.

"I see, well I'll do my best to stay clear of the drama then."

"Good luck with that." It was Grace's sarcastic tone again. I didn't have a moment to reflect on that though because Mr. Simpson was grabbing everyone's attention from the microphone at the front of the gymnasium.

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