Flash Drive

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Chapter Two.

"You're such an idiot!" I say punching Mason's arm. He rubbed the place I hit.

"It's not like I left it there on purpose, gosh!" he rolled his eyes while driving to studio we were at last night.

We have to go back since Mason is a complete idiot and he left my flash drive with all my songs and everything on there. I really hope it's still there, if not that is years of work down the drain.

"We're here." he said unbuckling his seat belt and getting out, as did I.

"You better hope it's still there." I say while pushing the doors to the building open.

We walked to the front desk where you sign in and all that.

"Brandon, I left something in the studio last night can we go up there and look for it?" I asked him politely. I come here a lot so we're on a first name basis.

"Yeah, someone's supposed to be there but they haven't came yet. You have five minutes." he said. I just nodded and took the stairs up to the studio I was using last night.

"Five minutes? How does he expect us to find that little flash drive in five minutes?" Mason asked while following behind me. I just shrugged and opened the door.

Once we got in there we practically tore that place up looking for it.

"I can't find it." I groaned starting to get frustrated.

"Did you check the couch?" Mason asked pointing to the leather couch in the corner of the room. I shook my head and went and started to search between the cushions.

The door swung up revealing four boys. They all look unfamiliar but there was one with a hat and shades on.

"Who are y'all?" the boy with the black sweater asked.

"Umm, I'm Kat Evans." I shrugged and kept looking in the couch.

"Ok? What are you doing here?" he was being rude for absolutely no reason.

"I left my flash drive here, but we're leaving." I said grabbing Mason.

I brushed past them, "Why were you so rude bro?" one of them said, the voice was very familiar.

I dragged Mason down the stairs.

"You find it?" Brandon called out.

"Nope. No luck." I was really mad and also sad and frustrated.

Years of work down the drain. All the money I spent. All the time. All gone. Trying to live dream that isn't going to happen. Maybe my mom was right?

I got into the car and wiped away my tears. They weren't because I was sad or didn't believe in myself they were tears of frustration. I'm so stupid for not making a copy.

I put my all into that. Now it's gone.

"Maybe someone will find it and find you?" Mason said trying to cheer me up. "Or they'll give it to Brandon and he'll call us."

"Can we just leave." I said putting my head on the head rest and closing my eyes.


Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 27, 2016 ⏰

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