Chapter 1

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Ashlynn's POV (pic above)

It's dark...I can't see anything....Am I dead...Who am I? Oh....yes, my name is Ashlynn. Ashlynn Lewis. ....But where am I? Why is it so dark? Why can't I feel my body?...Wake up....someone breathed into my ear. What? I murmured. ....Who are u? I said in a trance. I can't see anything. I felt my arms and reached out. Wake up. Voices whispered more urgently this time. Wake up. Wake up. The chorus of voices suddenly rose louder and louder, chanting, their voices overlapping. Suddenly, all their voices stopped. All but one voice whispered quietly,

Wake up, wake up...before you die.

I gasped awake in my own pool of sweat. Was that a dream? Where was I?! I gasped and looked around wildly. I was leaning against the side of a building in an alleyway, between two, massive, towering buildings. The sky was a dark, blood red color, and then moon was in full effect. I looked around for any source of help. It was a ghost town, no humans were seen or heard and everything looked broken and deserted. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain on my ribs. I looked down and winched in pain. Blood was pooling around me, and I had lost a lot of blood. How did I even get this wound anyway? I can't seem to remember anything at all...I may have amnesia; all I remember is my name.

No time for thoughts, I need to stop the bleeding and get out of here. I wrapped my T-Shirt around my waist to stop the bleeding. I leaned against the building and slid against the wall to sit down for a few seconds to catch my breath. Clank. I sat on something cold and metallic. With great effort, I reached out and pulled from under me, and jumped back in terror. A gun?! Was I a fugitive while I still had my memories? I picked up the gun, thoughts racing through my head. Did I commit crimes? Where the police chasing after me? Is that why I have an injury on my ribs? The gun was cold and heavy-yet it felt right to hold if I used to many times before.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a dreadful moaning sound. A human?! I'm saved! The moaning grew louder and interrupted my thoughts. Wait. What if he's injured worse than I am? I called out, but no words would come out. My throat was dry and raspy. I was dehydrated. I got up and leaned against the wall with great effort. The pain was excruciating. I gritted my teeth and bit the side of my cheek. I bit too hard and blood trickled down my chin. I picked up the gun just in case. I shuffled slowly towards the moaning. Each step made me feel more and more faint. As I inched closer and closer to the corner, I could hear the screeches of the man become louder and louder. When I had finally reached the corner, I peeked over the corner to see how the person was injured. As my face sneaked around the corner, it was hit was a wave of nausea. The person gave off a horrible stench. I gagged and opened my watery eyes to see the persons back facing me. I was about to tap his tattered shirt to warn him that I was here when I noticed something.

Then in horror, I realized that he was missing the bottom half of his body and most of his flesh was rotting and hanging out of his bones! He's not human! How can a normal human....I let out a strangled sound. The moaning stopped abruptly and I covered my mouth in horror. He sniffed he air. I tried to back away slowly. Crunch. I looked down. I had stepped on a pile of broken glass.

In horror, I looked back at the alive, rotting corpse, hoping that he didn't hear it. He was still quiet and still. Suddenly, his neck made a horrendous cracking noise and his head swiveled 180 degrees, facing me! The moonlight hit his gory, rotting face, he grinned a bloody grin at me while his empty eye sockets stared at me. The shadow of the moonlight didn't make it any better. I stood there in shock for a few moments and stared at the corpse for a few more seconds before feeling my body fill with vomit, dread, adrenaline and the instinct to survive. My wound didn't hurt as much before, because before I knew it, I was running for my life.

As fast as I could stagger, the rotting corpse crawled at an inhumane pace screeching and moaning for fresh blood. This is going to be the end of me... I thought while I was dragging my legs as fast as I could. The corpse was catching up. I feel faint....I can't carry on much longer.... I.... My vision blurred and I fell to the ground. I could hear the beating sound of my heart, racing with the screeching sound of the corpse, catching up to me. My vision darkened. As I passed out and everything turned to black, there was a familiar sound of a gunshot.


The shot was followed with a heavy object hitting the ground. I hope that was the corpse....I thought before everything turned black.

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