Chapter 2

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Authors Note idk. i didnt know what to write and zombies somehow popped into my mind anyway just ignore me and continue reading

Skylar above minus the colorful clothes. This girl only wears black.

Chapter 2:

My head was throbbing and I was aching all over. Ow.... Where am I? My eyelids feel so heavy; I struggled and failed to open them. "Oh. I think she awake now." Judging from the voice, I inferred that it was a young girl, in her teens. "Shhhhh.....what happens if she's not awake? You're going to wake her." A hushed voice whispered to the girl. The voice sounded like it belonged to a boy's, in his teenage years. "Yea, well, she's been sleeping for like, 3 days already, so it's about time she wakes up- wait! Trey! I just saw her move her eyes!" The girl exclaimed. "Skyler! Shush!" the boy whispered, this time more loudly. "She was injured badly, and a roamer was coming after him! She needs sleep!" Suddenly, memory about the rotting corpse suddenly came flooding back to me. I groaned in memory of the terrifying corpse imbedded in my mind. I can still see it crawling after me when I close my eyes.

"She's definitely awake!" The girl named Skyler exclaimed loudly after hearing me groan. Shocked from the loudness, my eyes snapped open like shutters. Everything was blurry for a second, but I could see a girls figure walking toward my bedside. "Skyl- What are you-?!" Trey's voice said in alarm. The blurry figure's hand shot out and grabbed the edges of my covers and yanked it off of me. "Get up!" her loud voice commanded. I groaned and sat up; rubbed my eyes, and looked blankly at the person that yelled at me.

As I suspected, Skyler was a girl, about the same age as me. She had a really light brown hair, almost blonde with striking blue eyes that looked almost grey. She wore a black everything; a black T-shirt with a black leather jacket, black jeans with black combat boots. But against her black jeans were two shiny objects that caught my eye, two silver and polished handguns tucked in a strap against her thighs. She looked like a delinquent going to war. "You must have healed nicely if you can sit up with much ease like that," I heard Trey say, interrupting my thoughts. I shrugged and turned my head to look at Trey.

He looked a few years older than me. He had brown hair that faded to blonde at the ends. He stretched and stood up from his chair; easily towering 12 inches over me. He too was wearing black from head to toe. Is black some kind of fashion sense here? I thought. "Well, now we are gonna ask you questions if you don't mind; not that you have a choice. We also advise u not to lie, Skyler and I are trained to read expressions." I shrugged and nodded.

"Name?" Trey inquired.

"Ashlynn." I answered without hesitating.

"Age?" Skyler asked.

"17" I said.

"Where are you from and why did you come here? Did you come here, accepting the risk of the roamers?" Trey asked calmly.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Why are you here? Did u come here knowing that there are roamers?" Trey repeated again with the same monotone and calm expression.

"Roamers? What are those? I-I don't remember anything. I just woke up sitting in an alleyway. I can only remember my name and age....and...." I trailed off. ".....That's about it." I finished.

Skyler grunted from the corner. I jumped; shocked. I had forgotten about her standing in the shadows from the corner. Her clothes really let her blend in. "She's telling the truth." Skyler said to Trey. She sounded bored. She then faced me.

"Well, because you have no memory, let me tell you this; the world is infected with a disease and now there are zombies also called "roamers"; I believe you had a recent experience with one. Well, the truth is- don't freak out- we are Earth's last humans."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2016 ⏰

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