Dear Watson,

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Love. What is it good for. Breaking hearts? Tearing people apart so that they will feel nothing but envy for the feeling that someone might really Care about them for the first time in their life?

Emotions. What are they good for? showing affection for one another? Telling someone how you feel inside? Is it the only way for people to understand how you feel and what your going through?

Friends. What good are they. Bet you have your so called "Friends" with you 24/7. Sharing every last secret that you've ever healed close to your heart. Play games together. Share beloved memoires together.

Me. I don't have "Friends". I was the unlucky one of the batch. I was the Loser, the Brain-eack, I was the Freak. "Friends." Word? ha! More like Noise. There a distraction in my life goals. No one Liked me. No one Cared about me. No one ever Loved me. I, would not let them. I did have a friend. Once. Once when I hadn't  realized what happens when you let anyone in your life. they get hurt. Because. Of. You. your fault. Your mistake. Then ... Oh then it's the worst part. then, you hear them say their last words. And it get's to the point where your about to hear... "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGG!!!"

Their horrible shriek oh pain, as your arch nemesis stabs them in the heart. Slowly. And. Painfully. your fault. all those years ago. One Little, simple, Life Changing event that took a small amount of time. In that, one, terrible, moment, you could have changed the future for both of you. But no. You, with open arms, let "Emotions" into your life. You. Your fault. ...It's... All, my fault.

How could anyone Fancy ME. I'm a ... A MONSTER. A monster for dragging you into this.

I'm sorry John. John Watson I... Am... So, so sorry, but... I. HAVE. FALLEN.

I'm sorry John.



I'm Sorry, WatsonWhere stories live. Discover now