Chapter 3

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It isn't often that true prodigies are born. Hatake Kakashi is one. Uchiha Itachi another. He would like to think Namikaze Minato is also one, but though his successor was a genius with seals and ninjutsu, he cannot be classified as a true prodigy, not on Kakashi or Itachi's level anyway, so Sarutobi is intrigued when he starts hearing signs of one.

It certainly comes as a surprise for Sarutobi when, one day, the ANBU he assigns to watch Naruto comes back and reports that his surrogate grandson has made a friend.

A civilian girl who goes by the name of Haruno Sakura. A child with pink hair who seems honest and open if a bit shy, and plays with Naruto without reluctance.

Sarutobi is not ignorant to the way his village treats his late successor's son. He is disgusted by their display and hates that there isn't much he can do about it, but he can protect Naruto to some degree so the first thing he does is find out as much as he can about Naruto's new friend.

Haruno Sakura is four years old, almost five. Her father, Haruno Kazuki, is a construction worker, and her mother, Haruno Saki, is a teacher in one of the civilian schools. She was born in Konoha, as were her parents who are honest hardworking citizens. She is shy and sometimes bullied and do not have any civilian friends. She has also struck up a friendship with his head interrogator's daughter, and Sarutobi knows there aren't any problems on that end.

There isn't much else about her that particularly stands out, and as days turn to weeks and his ANBU continue giving him reports about Naruto, their voices become just a little bit milder when they talk about Sakura, as if they genuinely like her even though they have never talked to her. Sarutobi is used to harder tones because the people Naruto usually interacts with – shopkeepers, restaurant owners – often treat him with resentment and anger.

On the contrary, these incidents seem to lessen with each daily report, and when Sarutobi enquires to the reason, the ANBU reporting to him – Crow – tells him about the little spitfire Sakura can become. He describes the way Sakura scowls and defends Naruto against anyone who speaks badly to his face and never lets anybody finish an entire insult before she cuts them off. Sarutobi swears Crow is laughing inside when he relays all this.

So Sarutobi is satisfied with Naruto's new friend, especially after Naruto comes on one of his bi-weekly visits to his office and tells him all about Sakura, how cool she is, how nice she is, how she is his friend.

Sarutobi can't be happier.

But one thing that does pique his interest is when his ANBU and Naruto both bring up Sakura's proficiency with kunai and shuriken. Naruto even demonstrates what he has learned from Sakura and Sarutobi is amazed when Naruto holds a kunai in a practiced expert grip and outlines a rough circle on his office wall.

Curious about any other skills Sakura might possess, Sarutobi sends out a few ANBU to observe her. They come back and relay with borderline awe that Sakura has excellent chakra control, can walk up walls without problem, and knows basic medical ninjutsu.

Sarutobi is stunned. There has never been a case in Konoha where a prodigy has come from the civilian sector.

But before Sarutobi can make up his mind about what to do with this information, the ANBU tells him that Sakura has befriended the second son of the Uchiha Clan Head and given Naruto a rival to boot. Sarutobi doesn't know whether to laugh or sigh when Crow tells him, with no small amount of amusement, that the two boys don't like to share their female friend.

Sarutobi also hears that Uchiha Mikoto has taken to spending time with all three children, that she has not discouraged Sasuke from associating with Naruto. The Hokage is quick to order his ANBU to keep an eye on this; he doesn't know what the Uchiha Clan is up to but he doesn't want them using Naruto in any of their plans.

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