- best friends

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Just like any other day you woke up late. Now that you were already late you decided to lay in your bed for 5 more minutes, before finally leaving your comfortable nest. Pulling the covers aside, you let your feet touch the cold floor. You turned on the shower, before looking in the mirror. The eyeliner you had been too lazy to remove yesterday was smudged. You laughed to yourself as you made a comment about how you looked like a female version of Billie Joe Armstrong, before hopping into the shower. The water was cold as it hit your skin, bit it was how you preferred it. You turned off the shower, put on your underwear and made yourself a cup of black coffee. You took it with you as you got dressed in your black arctic monkeys shirt and black skinny jeans. You redid your eyeliner, before drinking the last bit of coffee. When you were pulling on your shoes you heard the sound of a motorcycle driving up your road. You quickly grabbed your jean jacket and walked out to see your best friend Michael. He was wearing his typical muscle tee with holes, a leather jacket covering it and jeans you swore were tighter than your own. His hair was a newly dyed red, something you had done for him only the day before. "Good morning my lady," Michael smirked as you walked towards him. "I think that's too high expectations my friend," you told him smirking as well. "Just morning then," he said as he handed you a helmet. "That was better," you told him as you placed yourself behind Michael, your arms snaking around his torso. Michael parked the vehicle just outside of your school, before you both hopped off. "Thanks for the ride," you told him handing him back your helmet. You patted your pocket a few times before pulling out a pack of cigarettes handing one to Michael and taking one yourself. "You're ditching pe later, right?" You asked watching the smoke uncurl from his lips. "course, meet me on the roof. Fifth period, just like always," he told you. "Bring your guitar," you told him, before letting the cigarette fall to the ground, stomping on it.
Most people kept from you and Michael, thinking you were bad influences, when in reality Michael was the biggest softie ever. Sure he had piercings, tattoos, wore eyeliner and listened to hardcore bands. But Michael was also the one who didn't believe violence or anything like that was the answer. The only time you had seen him beat the crap outta someone was that time your now ex boyfriend had hit you. Michael had found you crying on the roof and after comforting you for a bit he had excused himself. He ended up with a black eye himself, but claimed it was worth it for you. And you may ditch class from time to time, but the only thing you do is sit on the roof listening to Michael singing while playing his guitar or simply talking about life. "I'll see you then," he told you, as he kissed your cheek before walking to his own class. People believed you and Michael would end up together, but all you really were was platonic friends, and you were both completely fine with that. "Late again ms y/l/n," the voice broke you out of your thoughts. You groaned as you sat down at one of the empty tables, just waiting for 5th period.

You literally ran up the stairs and through the door and down the hallway. You saw your best friend and his friends Michael and Luke standing by their lockers. You stopped beside them breathing heavily. "Morning guys," you panted trying to get their attention. "Morning y/- woah, what the fuck happened to you?" Calum asked mid sentence. "My car broke down and I had to run all the way to school. Not to mention the fact it was both raining and thundering," you told them after finally gaining your breath. You heard the bell ring, Luke and Michael said their goodbyes leaving for their classes, but not before giving you a sympathetic look. Calum opened his locker again, before pulling out his sports bag. "Come on," he said, grabbing your hand and leading you to the handicap toilet no one ever used. He let go of your hand and placed his bag back on the floor. He pulled out his towel and handed it to you. "Dry your hair and I'll find you some clothes," Calum told you rummaging through his back. He pulled out an oversized t shirt that was a normal size for himself. Followed by a pair of his sweatpants and a pair of your own cuddly socks. "Why do you even have these?" You asked him putting them on. "Well I've got a game later today and I thought you might want to come. But you always complain about your feet getting cold, so I thought you might want to come if you were wearing warmer clothes and I'd buy you a hot chocolate if that helps as well but-" you cut Calum of by smacking your hand over his mouth. "Calum," you sighed. You let your hand slip down to his chin and moved his face so he was facing you instead of looking at his feet. "Calum, in all the years we've been friends how many of your football (soccer) games have I missed?" You asked him. "None," he told you quietly. "Exactly, now turn around so I can change into these clothes," you told him already starting to unbutton your pants. Instead of turning around Calum just sat down on the closed toilet and watched you undress. You had been best friends for years now, so it didn't really bother you that much. You threw your soaking wet pants at his head before bending down to put on the sweatpants. Calum just folded your jeans nicely before putting them down in his own football bag again. Meanwhile you were still bent over to put on the sweatpants Calum gave you, when you felt a hard smack to your bum that echoed throughout the small room. Quickly turning around, you gave your best friend the best glare you could muster. Calum returned a cheeky smiled and you huffed, quickly pulling on the sweatpants. When you had pulled on Calum's t-shirt as well you quickly gave him a hug. The clothes were way too big on you, but they were warm and dry and they still smelled like Calum. "Come on, I'll walk you to your next class," Calum said when you pulled away.

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