Stop! I don't need help!

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Sangs POV
I am at school under a tree outside the cafe. in peace and quiet. I can not take it anymore I need something to stop the pain. This past summer I started cutting to release the pain of every day life. I am done cutting my wrists and I close my eyes and let the pain slowly goes away. I hear running and people screaming to call a doc. Whoever doc is I don't know. I open my eyes to see a bunch of hot guys staring at me in concern so I try and get up but they refuse let me up. I say "please let go of me." The guy says" no not until the doc checks you out." I say" I'm Fine but I don't need help. It's not so bad I promise it looks worse then it is."
Kota's POV
My brothers and I are going to the courtyard when Luke trips over someone. He says sorry but then I see the blood pouring down her wrist. I scream at my brothers to call doc while I try and stop the bleeding. She then wakes up and says she's fine and she doesn't need help. Is she trying to kill herself. I don't let her leave because I want doc to check her out. I need to make sure she's okay. I think she's crazy if she thinks we are going to let her leave like this . I know I'm not and by the looks on my brothers faces I know they won't allow it either

Why help me?(revision) wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now