So I Fell in Love

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The last few days haven’t been as horrible. Its like I could feel myself getting back to my old self. Everyone changes at lease once in their life. Its either good or bad. All I could say is, don’t get so caught up in something that it changes you. Never take things for granted.

Right now I was in Wal-Mart with Granger picking out some things for the baby shower I was going to have when Hayden arrived next week. We’ve been writing letters to each other. Due to the fact that he dropped his phone in the toilet. I knew that he went to Arizona to visit his sick father. Another thing he promised to tell me more of when he came back. There were many on the list.

I sighed while wobbling down the isle thinking of Hayden’s bright smile. How it brightens the room. When he smiles it always makes me the slightest bit happier. I just love how his eyes light up when he laughs. And sometimes when something is really funny, he snorts. It was adorable.

“Summer! Jesus darling, you’ve been day dreaming a lot lately. I asked you do you still want the what size is the mommy’s tummy game?” Granger asked me, snapping me out my day dreaming trance.

I sighed again and leaned against the cart a bit while rubbing my stomach. I was still undecided on that game. I still have an issue with thinking that I’m fat rather than pregnant. But I am a pregnant teenager. “Sure, why not.” I muttered.

Granger threw the game along with some other items into the cart. “Sum, what’s wrong?” She asked and crossed her arms, staring at me.

I looked down at my golden hair in my hands and shrugged. I was lying and she knew it. Of course best friends know when the other is lying. I so happen to grab a strand of my hair and carefully examine it. At other times a good liar. Only when I’m asked questions is the problem.

Granger threw the small note pad she’d been carrying around in the cart. Granger slowly walked over to me and softly yanked the strand of hair out my hand. She then put my arms down to my sides and made me look her in the eyes. “Summer, I could tell when there’s something going wrong with my best friend. Now if you don’t tell me I’m going to make you tell me right in front of the whole store!” She urged me, catching a few glances by people who passed by.

I sighed and wiggled myself a bit so she would let go of me. I seem to be doing a lot of sighing lately. “I don’t know. I just miss Hayden okay? Is that good enough for you? I know you don’t understand and you probably never will. Its just… words can’t even explain how I feel about this boy…”

Granger's eyes widened, “Well Summerlynn Joy Herman. I think you just fell in love.” She winked at me and turned to go push the cart and go down the isle.

I hastily walked behind her. “I do not love Hayden Jak. You just can’t fall in love with someone at seventeen. More the less you can’t love someone who’s four years older than you.”

Granger briefly turned around after putting something in the cart, “It happens all the time. My parents are eight years apart.” She commented and smiled at me.

“Your parents are getting a divorce!” I squealed and held out my hands.

She shrugged and continued to put things into the basket. “Your right not the best example. Well hey, look at all those old married couples. I’m pretty sure they had to go through a lot of crap. You know how your grandparents always have the wildest stories of falling in love. Take your grandma for example. Didn’t she say that her and your grandpa were ten years apart?”

“Yeah and they split last year when grandpa had an affair.”

“That’s not the point here Summerlynn. They were together for fifty hard core years.”

I rolled my eyes, “Now all my grandma talks about is how she hopes grandpa doesn’t come crawling back to her like he always used to when he messed up…”

“Summer!” Granger yelled at me and gave me the death stare before putting some food into the cart also.

“What? I don’t believe in love. If love existed then why do people get divorced? If loved existed then why are so many people heart broken?”

“Everyone believes in love Summer. The only thing that’s wrong with you is that your afraid of falling in love. Your afraid that he’s not going to love you back. That your just going to end up with your heart broken. Your afraid that your going to end up like everyone else with a broken heart, a single mom, and a divorce. But Summer what you have to realize is that doesn’t happen to everyone. There are still lucky ones out there. People fall in love and they stay in love. You can’t fall out of love and if you do, you never loved the person in the first place.

“Hell without love me and you wouldn’t be here right now talking. You loved me enough to forgive me and I loved you enough to put all my hate and anger aside. There are many types of love out there Summer. You’ve only discovered a few. Its time you face the real love. But I should warn you. Love hurts. You get pain on the inside you thought you would never feel before.”

I smiled at my friend and shook my head, “How do you know all this Granger?”

“What can I say? I’m a hopeless romantic. I find out a lot. Now I want you to scream it at the top of your lungs. I want everyone to know it. You want everyone to know it.”

I acted dumb and grabbed a tray of sushi to eat on the car ride home. “What are you talking about Granger? Scream what?”

Granger scoffed and eyed me as she put the items on the belt thing. “Don’t act stupid. Scream that you love Hayden. Because weather you like it or not, you kind of do…”

I rolled my eyes as I helped her put the things on the belt. I shook my head and said, “Nope. Make me say it.”

Granger gave a look and continued to put things on the belt. once the cashier finished putting things into bags we paid and made our way to the exit. When we got to the car we put our things in the trunk. Then just as I was about to take a bite of my sushi before we entered the car Granger came around the side and took the container from me.

I whined and stomped my foot on the ground. “Granger I’m hungry!”

“Say it or the raw fish goes!” She threatened as she held the tray over a small puddle or dirt and rain water.

I groaned and muttered, “I love Hayden Jak…”

Granger put her hand to her ear, “Sorry I couldn’t hear you. Can you say that again?”

This time I said it in a normal voice, “I love Hayden Jak.”

“I didn’t quite catch that…” She teased and tipped over the tray a bit.

I stomped again and said it a bit louder, “I love Hayden Jak.”

“I said scream it girl! Let the whole world know your in love with Hayden Jak!”

“I’m in love with Hayden fucking Jak!” I yelled and stomped my foot on the ground again. I gasped once I realized what I said out loud. Then I suddenly had butterflies go threw my stomach. I slowly started to giggle. “Wow… I love Hayden…”

Granger slowly walked to me and handed me the sushi tray. “Eh, how about that? The hopeless romantic helped the girl who’s afraid of love admit that she’s love. Who would have thought?”

Granger and I smiled at each other before getting into the car. We were on our way home when Granger turned down the music and lowered the windows. I looked at her in confusion.

“Now say Hayden Jak is an ass hole for leaving you at your birthday party.” She smiled at me. I laughed and shook my head. I will absolutely not say that. “Okay I understand how you won’t say that since your in love with him. So I’ll say it for you.” At a red light Granger put her head out the window and yelled, “Hayden Jak is an ass hole!” I laughed again.

Granger looked at me and laughed too.

I wish love came with a warning sign. It sure would have helped with this.

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