My Phillip

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(Hi people! This is my first story ever... I hope you guys like it! It's only in one part because I had to write this for school so... enjoy!)

"Theodosia, We must be on our way!" I heard my father call to me from down the stairs. He was taking me into town today and I was so excited! Usually father said that I was far too involved in my studies to go gallivanting in town, so when he said I could go today I nearly jumped out of my skin! I'm even wearing my new dress, which father argued it was far too casual for any occasion and that I should only wear the best but I don't fancy being fancy.

"I'm Coming father!" I yelled as I scurried down the stairs following him out the door to the carriage waiting outside. As I hopped into the buggy I asked my father where we were going.

"We are going to buy some more supplies for your tutor studies, but first we are stopping by the pub to meet an old friend of mine." Of course my one escape from studies had to be about study supplies. I am excited to meet one of my father's friends though, I've never met any of them before.

Minutes later we arrived at the pub, as we stepped out of the carriage and stepped into the pub we were immediately greeted by an angry looking Alexander Hamilton. I had read about him in the paper many times, but I never knew that my father had known him personally. 

"BURR! Since when are you a democratic republican?" Mr.Hamilton seethed.

"Since being one put me on the up and up again."My father hastily replied.

"No, you traded parties to run against my father in law for the senate seat! I consider this to be a despicable-" Just as he was about to finish his wife and who I had presumed to be his son walked in and cut him off. 

"Alexander, there you are." Eliza Hamilton called out in relief. "Ah Mr.Burr, this must be the  lovely Theodosia we've heard so much about." She said while gesturing to me. I gave her a small smile before noticing her son looking at me intently. He must have been about my age, maybe a little older but not by much.

"Yes, this is her, my pride and joy! Only seventeen and already fluent in both French and Latin along with having the most beautiful singing voice ever to grace this Earth." My father exclaimed while making me blush furiously. 

"Me too! Oh well I'm eighteen, and can't sing, but French and Latin... yeah." The son excitedly stated, making me giggle a little.

"Oh yes, Phillip has been interested in languages since a young age!" Eliza stated. Phillip... His name is Phillip. It suits him. "Oh well we must be on our way" Eliza said. 

"But-" Alexander tried to protest.

"Honey, lets go." Eliza pushed.

"Ok. Come now Phillip." Alexander said to his son.

"I'll meet you outside pops." said Phillip to his father while he was simultaneously signaling for me to meet him in the back of the pub. I walked back there before Phillip, telling my father that I had to use the restroom, wondering what it is that this Hamilton boy wants.

"Hello" Phillip said as he rounded the corner.

"Hi..." I said

"How come I've never seen you around the university campus? I mean there's only one college anywhere near here, you are currently studying aren't you?" Oh, I guess he has never heard of home schooling.

"I study privately, at my home, with a tutor. I never really come into town either, that's most likely why we've never come across each other." I tell him.

"Oh, seems pretty lonely. Well it's a good thing you have me now!" He exclaimed smugly.

"Oh, do I now?"I tease.

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