Oh no!

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The next day when I woke up, I realized that I wasn't acting like myself. I didn't know why or even how I was acting like this. I noticed that I opened some kind of chamber with the diary I found last night in hand. The next thing was very serious though. One minute I am holding the diary and then the next minute I am skipping glass and have a bucket of blood sitting by me. I hear voices in my head, telling me different commands like open the chamber, let the basilisk out. But I didn't know what any of that meant. I didn't know what a basilisk was and what chamber he was talking about. I heard he voice in my head again telling me a different command.
"Write this on the wall- the chamber of secrets had been opened, the enemies of the heir... Beware!"
Before I knew it I was dipping my hand inside the bucket of blood and tracing the letters on the wall. I didn't know how to stop it. I tried to many different points during writing. I didn't know how or why I was doing any of this. I didn't know why I couldn't stop and I didn't know what was happening. I knew I was up to something bad but I didn't know what it was. I kept wondering what hat chamber was that I opened. I don't ever remember Ron telling me about a chamber in hogwarts and he tells me everything about hogwarts. Surely, he would tell me about this. I couldn't imagine why he wouldn't. I didn't know who's blood I was using either. I soon realized what if it was Harry's? I got so scare I tried to pull back from the writing but I felt something push me towards the wall again. Oh no! I thought, how am I going to get away from this?!?! I soon hear another voice that sounded like it was coming from inside my head.
"Go tell the basilisk, we need him for our dirty work." The voice sounds. I am suddenly moved to the weird chamber again where I see a gigantic monster, known as the basilisk. I didn't even notice but I stated to speak parcel tongue. Mediterranean I knew it at least a ton of people were petrified. I couldn't believe what if do. My guilt was building up within side of me and I knew at that moment that I had to tell someone about this diary that I found, but the real question is who? And who would believe me? I couldn't tell dumbledore because he would probably think that I had something to do with it and that was not the case. I didn't have anything to do with this. I knew I could not be imagining any of this. It seemed all to real to just be a stupid halusinatin or a dream. It was far to real and I was nervous about what yet to come.

Hey guys! I am sorry that took a while to update but I updated two chapters for you tonight since I wasn't able to the night before. I know it is really short but don't worry they will get long again. I hope you enjoyed, remember to comment and vote! Love you!~Sunny❤️

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