Chapter Eleven

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Anna's P.O.V.

"Anna, I'm a werewolf." Reed states in a rush.

"No you're not. They're not real." I retort back like the smart ass I am...


Maybe I should start from the beginning...

Reed grabs my hand and pulls me from the bus and onto the sidewalk. I wonder where he's taking me.

"Hey Ree-" I start but am rudely cut off by the very boy himself.

"Not telling Ane."

Damn. There goes that thought. But how did he know...

The farther we walk, the more curious I get. Every so often I see a flash of light or smell a whiff of food. Where are we going?

I guess I get lost in thought because the next thing I know I hear Reed say that we're here.

I look up and gasp. We're standing at the entrance of a pier that's holding a carnival. Colourful booths line the sides of it, showcasing the games that every girl has wanted a stuffed animal won for them at. Every couple booths or so, a ride was set up. The way they loomed over you was kind of unnerving. They were whispering into the night dares to ride them. Luminous strands of lights were strung from a pole in the centre, creating an almost tent like shape. They gave off an air of spontaneousness, making it feel more like a story book than real life. All of the beautiful madness was brought together by the giant Farris wheel at the end of the pier. It called out to anyone who would listen, begging them to have just one spin around its ominous wheel. Together it gave an atmosphere that made you want to run as far away as possible, yet made you too curious to even consider that option.

"You ready for the craziest night of your life?" asks Reed. I didn't know the double meaning to that as I nodded.

He griped my hand tighter and pulled me towards a booth. This tent was yellow and white striped. The game had something to do with landing the multicoloured hoops Reed had been given (I didn't want to play) and landing them on the bottles that were set up behind the game operator. Easy. Reed effortlessly landed them all, as stereotypical as that sounds. The man behind the table looked surprised. I guess that wasn't supposed to happen.

"What one do you want?" Reed asks me quietly.

My eyes scan the rows of of colourful animals until my eyes land on one specific one. It was a dark grey wolf with golden eyes. I wanted it. I needed it.

"That one." I point at the wolf. Reed's eyes brighten at my choice. Odd.

The man hands me the wolf and we walk off into the crowd.

Reed drags me on countless rides. In a blur of laughter and slight nausea, we try all the ones we can find. Anything from tea cups to roller coasters, bumper cars to the Farris wheel. Well, we were still in line for that. Reed had gotten quieter as the night progressed. It was starting to worry me.

"Reed, are you okay?" I mumble softly.

He snaps out of his thoughts and smiles at me.

"Yeah baby," he kisses my cheek and wraps his arm around my waist, "just thinking."

I don't ask what he's thinking about, I just scoot closer to him. I have a feeling whatever it is I'll know pretty soon.

We wait in line for what seems like ages, taking turns telling stories. Reed tells me about his life in San Antonio and his brother and I tell him stories about my life in Canada and the forest behind my house. When we finally reach the front of the line, Reed whispers something in the carnie's ear. What's he planning..?

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