When you meet

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You were walking home from school and you passed an ally way and heard a shuffling noise. You, being somewhat brave went to see what it was. Boy, that was a bad idea. "Hello? Who's there?" you asked, trying not to be scared. "Hello beautiful." a shadowy figure said as they walked towards you. You backed up every step they took, at least until you backed all the way against a brick wall. "Don't call me that." you said with a hint of anger in your voice. The guy had a smirk on his face as he removed his hood. "(Y/E/N) (you're enemy's name)!" you gasped in disbelief. "You guessed it." He said while pinning you against the wall. He snapped his fingers and out came his gang, surrounding you with evil smirks on their faces. You were about to try to run but one grabbed you and threw you to the ground. Before you could recover they all started to punch you, kick you, throw you against the brick wall hard, they beat you up. (Y/E/N) pulled out a knife and stabbed you in the stomach, you groaned in pain and fell to the ground. You're face, arms, legs, everything was bloody. (Y/E/N) was about to hit you with the knife again, but in the chest, before he could do that he was kicked to the ground by someone in a red gi'. He scared off the rest of the gang by punching and kicking them a few times. He then came over to you kneeling on the ground next to you. "Are you ok?" He asked, his voice gentle. You not caring, cried and cried shaking you head no. "Don't worry, you'll be safe with me." he replied. At that moment, everything went black. But before you blacked out you heard him say, "she's lost a lot of blood. *sigh* I hope she'll be okay soon."


It was winter, your favorite time of year. You were ice skating at the park all day. You're friend was there earlier but she left because she had chores to do. You let her leave and kept on skating. You smiled as the snow sparkled, glistening in the sun. After awhile you sat on a bench enjoying the day. You got bored so you go back to skating. You were gliding across the ice, you jumped up and twirled in the air, but when you came back down you fell through the ice and into the icy cold water. You couldn't move, it was soooooo cold. You started to drown as you started to sink in the pond. Then all of a sudden, someone's hand reached into the water and pulled you out and onto the ice. You coughed up water and laid on the ice next to them. You looked up to see a boy with straight blond hair and jet black eyes. "Are you okay miss?" he asked, a tiny of worry in his voice. You tried to talk, but everything started to fade away, and then it all went black.


You were walking in town enjoying the nice sunny day. You've been in ninjago city all day enjoying the scenery and walking around. You walked into the bakery and bought a cake, carrying the box out of the bakery. You decided you would eat it later when you got home. You were walking across the street, the crosswalk sign saying don't walk. But it was too late. You didn't notice the sign and you were standing in the middle of the road, picking up your bracelet that fell while walking. You grabbed it and looked up, seeing a massive semi coming in fast, before it hit you someone tackled you out of the way of the semi and onto the ground. You hit your head hard on the ground, your hand moved to your head and felt something warm and wet, you moved your hand in front of your face and saw blood. You cracked your head open. "Are you okay?" A boy asked with Raven hair and hazel eyes as he stared at you. "D- did you save me?" You asked weakly. "Yes I did save you." He gasped when he saw your head. You tried to say something but you blacked out before you could.


You were at Mega Monster Amusement Park. You've been there for a few hours enjoying the day. After ignoring your fear on the Ferris wheel, you decided to ride the roller coaster. The most scariest ride in the while park. You sighed as you waited in line to get on, luckily after a while you were able to get on, but you say in the farthest back cart. You weren't really digging the idea of people puking on you so you stayed in the back. The ride went up the hill making a clinking sound, right as you got to the top, you went down so fast you couldn't see anything. You shut your eyes closed, scared. All of a sudden you heard a crash, the ride broke, part of the track was broken off and you were separated from the rest of the carts. You were in the one cart, on top of the hill on the ride, holding on for dear life. If you went forward you'd fall of the broken track and onto the ground that was so far below. If you went backwards it'd be the same situation. You were stranded on top of the hill, trying not to fall. Everyone stared in shock and fear, as you say there, not moving. "Help!" you screamed as loud as you could. A boy dressed in blue with ginger hair and electric blue eyes came running towards the roller coaster, and climbing up to help you. "P-please help me." You whimpered as tears fell from your eyes. "Don't worry, I got you." He said as he grabbed you and started climbing down the roller coaster. One of the support beams broke, moving the whole hill violently. You hit your head hard on one of the metal bars in the process. The boy looked at you worried, as you slowly blacked out in his arms.


You were at the park enjoying the day. It was finally Saturday and you got to relax and not worry about school. You sit on the bench, until you got up and grabbed ice cream. When you were back at the park eating ice cream, a snake-like thing came out of the bushes and shoved you against the tree. He was red and had long fangs. He smiled and was bout to bite your arm when a boy in green with blond hair kicked him in the face. "Now that's not a way to treat a lady." he said in the process. You were leaning against the tree, stunned by what was going on. The snake punched the boy, making him stumble back and putting his hand to his nose in pain. The snake ran up to you quickly and bit your arm, and then sprinting away. You fell to the ground right after he bit you. "Are you okay?!" The boy asked. You tried to say something but you couldn't say anything, the venom or whatever it was taking over your blood stream, causing you to black out.

Sorry guys! That's all I have for today! I have school tomorrow so I won't be updating till like 4:00 or 5:00! Hoped you liked this part. Give suggestions on what you want to happen. It'd be great to know your ideas! See ya! 😘❤️😍👋🏻😝✌🏻️

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