Happy Valentine's Day!!❤️❤️

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Today was the day, it was Valentine's Day, the most romantic day of the year. You were supposed to spend the day with Kai but he was nowhere to be seen. You walked around the whole monastery but you still couldn't find him. Finally you walked into the living room and saw Jay, Cole, Zane, and Lloyd watching tv. "Have any of you seen Kai?" You asked. Everyone just looked at you and kept silent, Jay looked like he was about to explode. "Well Kai is-" Jay was cut off. "Don't tell her motor mouth." Cole said as his hand covered Jay's mouth. "We can only tell you it's a surprise." Lloyd said. "Affirmative. We promised not to tell you anything about it." Zane said. You nodded and walked to your room. (They built an extra room there for you to stay in since you moved out of your parents house.) you opened the door and was surprised to see a bouquet of roses there with hearts on your wall. You read the note and it said:
Meet me at the cherry blossom tree tonight my little flame.

After you read the note you nearly jumped for joy. It was an hour beiges sunset and you had to get ready. You decided to wear a red strapless knee length dress with white flats and a small white sweater jacket over your shoulders. When you got to the cherry blossom tree that was about two miles away from the monastery you about screamed it was so beautiful. You were too busy looking at the fireflies in the jars and the picnic that you didn't notice Kai came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist and put his head on your shoulder. "It's beautiful." You said as you looked at Kai. "*smiles* glad you like it flame. Happy Valentine's Day." Kai said as he took your hand and led you to the blanket with all the food on it. "I love you you hothead." You said as you leaned against his shoulder. "I love you too flame." Kai replied as you both gazed at the stars.


It was Valentine's Day, one of your favorite holidays on the year, and Zane was nowhere to be found. He's been gone like all day. You eventually gave up looking and walked to your room, when you opened the door you saw Zane sitting there with a bouquet of daisies and roses. "Happy Valentine's Day my snowflake." Zane said as he gave you the flowers. "Zane they're beautiful." You said as you set the flowers down on the end table and sat next to Zane. "But not as beautiful as you my snowflake. And there's one more surprise." Zane replied. "What's the surprise?" You asked. Zane smiled as he pulled out a heart diamond necklace and gave it to you. "Zane-" "it didn't cost me anything. It was my mothers which I never knew. I want you to have it." Zane cut you off. "I can't, it's too special to you." You replied. "You are special to me. Have it." Zane said. You nodded as he put it around your neck and kissed your cheek.


It was Valentine's Day and instead of getting up early you decided to sleep in. You finally woke up and the clock said it was 10:00 so you got up. When you looked at your end table you saw a rose with a note attached to it, it said:
Decided to sleep in I see. Here is a rose, as beautiful as you. Go to the bakery in town that we first met at and you will find your second clue. I'll be waiting at the last spot for you.
You smiled as you changed your clothes into a black dress with black flats and left he monastery. Your hair was already in a pony tail and it looked nice with your outfit so you left it. When you got to the bakery the cashier asked you, "are you (y/n) (l/n)?" "Yes I am." You replied. She handed you a rose with another note attached to it. It said:
Next go to my fathers house to get the next note.

You left the bakery and got to Cole's dad house in no time and rang the doorbell. "Ah you must be my sons girlfriend. (Y/n) right?" The man asked. You nodded. As he gave you a rose with another note on it and shut the door. The note said:
Alright now go to the dance studio. That is your last spot.

You got to the dance studio and couldn't believe your eyes, there was Cole in a tuxedo sitting at a table with roses around it and a cake sitting on it with a candle and ballroom music playing. "You did all this?" You asked in awe as Cole walked up to you and sat you down in a chair at the table. "Do you like it?" Cole asked. "Like it?! I love it! This is so sweet of you Cole." You replied as he gave you a slice of cake. After the two of you ate the whole cake you danced around the room to the music. Best day ever.


Valentine's Day, so exciting!!!! It sure beats Christmas!! You were walking to Jay's room when you bumped into someone. "I'm sorry." You looked up and saw Jay there. "Oh hey (y/n), I was wondering if you would like to grab my wrench out of my room, I need to fix the training course." Jay said as he helped you up. You nodded and walked into his room, you didn't see he wrench but you did see roses and chocolates sitting on his bed and they had your name on it. You were too busy looking at the flowers that you didn't notice Jay walked in and put his arms around you. "Happy Valentine's Day (y/n). I love you."He said. "I love you too Jay. Thank you." You replied as you both kissed.


It was Valentine's Day and you couldn't find Lloyd. You had a card for him but you couldn't find him. After awhile of looking you gave up and walked to your room. When you opened the door you saw Lloyd there with a box of chocolates and some roses. "Happy Valentine's Day sweetheart." Lloyd said as you hugged him. "Thank you Lloyd. And I have a bed for you." You replied as you gave it to him and he smiled as he read it. He set the card down and hugged you while kissing you. "I love you." He said. "I love you too Lloyd." You replied.

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