When you get hurt

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You were climbing a tree near the monastery, it was one of the highest trees in the forest. You loved the way the wind made it sway, the sweet smell of the leaves, you loved this tree. You didn't notice but the wind started picking up and the tree started swaying more, in a matter of seconds you were plummeting to the ground, hitting branches and everything on your way down. Eventually you landed on the ground with a loud thud, you could feel blood and lots of stuff broken, everything started to go black.

*Kai's pov*

I just walked out of the monastery to get (y/n) for lunch but what I saw made me cry, there was (y/n), on the ground unconscious and loosing a lot of blood. "Zane sensei! Get out here!" I yelled as I ran to (y/n). Sensei and Zane gasped as they saw her beaten up self, we all carried her to her room and I refused to leave her side. 'Don't die. Please don't die! You're my angel (y/n)!' I thought.

*back to you*

You woke up in your bedroom, you tried to sit up but you couldn't move, you had a bandage on your head, your right arm and left leg were in a cast, and you had a lot of stitches. You looked over and saw Kai pacing and crying. "K-Kai?" You managed to say. "(Y/n)! Thank god you're okay!! I wouldn't know what to do if you died on me!" Kai cried as he took your left hand and kissed your cheek. "I would never leave you Kai. I love you too much." You replied as you smiled at him, Kai smiling back.


You and Zane were riding bikes in town, and you had to say, you were having fun. You were crossing the street using the crosswalk when someone ran the red light. You didn't see the car until right before it hit you. You shut your eyes and felt pain surge through your body. You opened your eyes, and saw part of your panel messed up, a crowd gathering, and Zane crying over you. You tried to speak but couldn't.

*le time skip to you at the monastary*

Sensei and Jay were fixing you and they told Cole, Kai, and Lloyd to keep Zane out of the room. Things were going smoothly, until your power source started failing, you ended up powering down. Maybe about maybe a half hour later you powered back up again. When you opened your eyes you saw everyone there, but Zane had only half of his power source. "Zane-" "it's the least I could do. I couldn't lose you." Zane cut you off as he took your hand. "I love you Zane." You replied as you kissed his cheek. "I love you too. And I'm glad you're still here with me." Zane replied.


You and Cole were climbing a mountain and you were pretty tired. "You tired? I can carry you if you'd like." Cole offered. You shook your head and kept climbing. As you were climbing your foot slid and you started falling. "Cole!" You yelled. Cole tried to catch you but you fell on a ledge and broke your arm. You cried in pain as your arm bent the wrong way. "(Y/n) I am so sorry! We need to get Zane and sensei now!" Cole yelled as he grabbed you and bolted down the mountain.

*le time skip to when you are getting fixed up*

Cole paced back and forth on the other side of the door waiting to see you. Sensei and Zane left the room but on the way out Sensei whispered something to Cole. Cole nodded before he ran over to you. "How are you feeling? Do you need anything? I'm really sorry-" "Cole, I'm okay. It was an accident." You cut Cole off. You sat up and kissed Coles cheek before he hugged you.


You were in Jay's room helping him with an invention. You're pretty good with building stuff so he let you help. "Hey (y/n), can you hand me that screwdriver to your right?" Jay asked. You nodded as you set the wrench down and handed him the screwdriver. You were fixing one of the bolts on the machine when you accidentally cut your self. "Ow!" You yelled as you held your hand. "Are you okay? Let me see." Jay asked worried. You shook your head but Jay took your hand and nearly fainted, lots of blood was coming from it. "Oh my gosh you're gonna die!!" Jay screamed as he began hyperventilating and running everywhere. Zane was confused on what was going on, when he walked in he saw you laughing and holding your hand in pain and Jay freaking out. Zane patched up your hand and finally calmed Jay down. "I think we should do something else." Jay offered as you nodded and you both walked to the living room to watch tv.


You and Lloyd were at the park playing tag. (Just because you can😝). You were running away from Lloyd when you tripped on a tree root and twisted your ankle. "Ow!" You yelled as you fell. Lloyd immediately stopped messing around and ran to you checking to make sure you were okay. "Lloyd I'm not dying, I just twisted my ankle." You said as he carried you to a bench. "I don't want you to be badly hurt. Can you walk on it? It looks swollen." Lloyd replied. "It hurts a little, but I can walk." You said standing up and walking a little. "Okay let's go home." Lloyd said as he summoned his elemental dragon and you both hopped on it.

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