The Angel Mother of the Void

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Angelus "Pavonine" Cûr
The Void, the epitome of emptiness in its essence, an endless expanse that interweaves with the all of the known planes of existence. The emptiness seems empty, but it truly is not. It teems with life. The Void Wyrms, the inhabitants of the infinite end. They are akin to dragons among the physical plane, who also akin to the wyrms of the physical plane. The wyrms though... Are not the all-powerful beings of this realm. That title belongs to the long deceased Atroniarchs. But, only one has remained alive, the one revered as the Goddess Pavonine. She is the protector and shaper of the realm and its few islands. Her wings flare with the pure essence of the Void, the wispy, ethereal energy that courses through the realm. Now, looking at her current form, she takes on the form of an earthly creature, a shark/dragon hybrid. Her markings glow softly with purple energy. She stood in the dark, purple flame-lit room, the large Void Wyrm coiled in front of her, six eyes locked onto the angel's two.
//My queen, what shall I do... Protection of our realm is tedious...// She spoke softly, having a soft tone to her voice. She nods silently and slowly, awaiting the response from the Queen.
"I want you... To protect our neighboring realms. Note well child... They are not enemies, but our friends, dearest Angel." The Void Wyrm's voice boomed and resonated around the large room, the echoes fading into a deep silence.
//As you wish.... Xynath...// She did seem downtrodden, but she had a great deal of optimism for her new task. Then, everything went black for her, she fell flat onto her back with a resounding thump. She slowly phased through the floor of the Queen's throne room.
"Hey! Hey! Get up!" A loud, young male's voice resounded in her head, she shut her eyes tighter, but she opened them slowly. The bright, luminescent ball of light that is the Sun of this world momentarily blinded her. She raised a hand to shield her eyes from the bright star that hung overhead, slowly sitting up in the grass. Her immediate surroundings seemed to be a clear, foliage frozen in a clear, crystalline barrier.
"Welcome to the Glassfields... Mother..." A figure stood in front of her, a young sergal cub. Pavonine jumped back with just the fact that he startled her. "I know that you have seen things... The dark..."
//M-mother? What do you know about me child?// She looks at the cub with a soft, gentle glare. The cub held up a small, thick, black book in a paw. Her eyes widened at the sight of this. //My journal... Time's end...// She shudders and snatches the journal from the child. //Don't take what isn't yours child... Might cause a bad impression.// Her voice became stern, just like a mother's. She even wagged her finger at the cub, a motherly gesture.
"So you are a mother..."
//No child...// She shook her head, the soft rustle of the laurel wreath on her head.
"Yes, yes you are... Your actions tell me this..." The cub would step a bit closer, his claws clicking over the glass-like foliage. Pavonine only remained silent and let him approach her.
//Child... What do you partake in on this world?// She looked around again, the glass gleaming with the reflected light of the world's sun.
"I have been lost... A tale of woe per se... I have just come along the Glasslands, a frozen grassland on this world. I've been staying in this area, it lacks any type of dangers." He only huffed and fell back onto his rump, a loud thump. It almost sounded like he was hurt. Pavonine knows this feeling, being the last of her kind has left her lost... Mentally and physically. She only had the guidance of Xynath. She leaned into the cub, pulling him into her arms.
//Come... I will take care of you...// She would nod and stand, holding him in her arms. She gave the cub a gentle nudge before taking her journal and walking towards the horizon. That cub she had taken under her wing, was Daggerfell, the sole survivor of the Cûr family.

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