Losing it

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Authors Note: I hope you guys enjoy this! This fanfic is made purely because I wanted to write smut! PLUS THIS IS MY VERY FIRST TIME WRITING HARDCORE SMUT OR LEMON!!

Warning! Explicit Scenes Ahead!!! You have been warned!

Chapter 1


Are you sure you want to read this? Just saying. I don't want any bad comments to be honest. So if you don't like hardcore lemony Yaoi. Don't read, I repeat don't read. Ok! From here on it's not my fault if you've read this and burned you're innocent eyes♡

Chapter 1


He sat there motionless, staring blankly at his desk. Everyone in his class slowly filed out as the bell rang signaling the end of school. Some glanced at the red haired man, many of concern, others at curiosity. Why? He's been like that all day, just sitting there like a statue. Many approached and attempted to start a conversation, but that was all futile. Lindo didn't react to them.

Truthfully he's been in that state for a handful of days, ever since the death of his sister. He was found cradling her dead body for roughly 4 days. The scene was horrendous, blood and bodies littered the warehouse. All of those bodies we're dismembered to the point of no recognition. Luckily the police found him unscathed, but just malnourished. He was sent to a nearby hospital and brought back to be interrogated once confirming he was well. Ever since that day he wouldn't answer nor speak.

"Tachibana-kun, you can head home now." The homeroom teacher tapped the said person. This was the usual routine. He would enter school and leave it when the teacher told him.

The chair clattered as he abruptly stood up. He picked up his bag and walked out of the class with his head lowered. He continued walking in the dim hallways dragging his feet.

'It was all my fault. My fault. I killed her... I killed... her...Ritsuka... I killed Ritsuka... She smiled at me... I killed her and she smiled.... my fault. It's all my fault.' He continued to walk slowly, still in the hallway.

'... Why? Why am I still alive?'

'Onii-san... Please...k..keep..living... Live normally... onegai ne?... C-Continue school... graduate.. Live... a-arigato L-lin-do.' An image of Ritsuka played in his mind over and over, like a curse. Reminding him of his regretful deed. Words only meant to encourage the guy to live did work, but not exactly. It was as if her words were a curse to the man.

"Tachibana Lindo."

Lindo looked up at the person, not a single change in his expression. He was met with a blurred figure in blue. The voice sounded familiar and so was his figure. Did he know this man?

"Come, follow me."

"To where?" He found himself asking the man.

The red head stayed rooted at the spot as he felt the other approach him. He didn't even flinch as the other man hugged him from behind. He didn't know how to react as he felt hands roaming. To his collar bones, his chest, his waist and finally his crotch.

The man gave a gentle squeeze, earning a twitch from the boy. Even with all this happening, he still stayed rooted on the spot. He just didn't know anymore, he lost his will and reason to live.

"Everything will be okay if you're us." The voice said.


The figure smirked and nibbled on the others ear. He looked at him with lust filled eyes.

'Finally, we can make him ours'

"Yes. Just follow me."

Authors Note: Hahaha no lemon in this chapter!! Read the next chapter for the hardcore (idk) Lemonnnnn!

Okay finally piece of warning. I am totally not responsible for you and you're innocent mind so girl don't be like

'oh shit! Wtf wtf wtf! Wtf did I just fucking read!'

I really appreciate you reading but if you read this please don't bad comment this. 😂 Hahahha.. Thanks♡

To be continued after a very convincing comment  :p Just convince me please.  I wanna feel cool. Jk. I just like the comments! Byeeeee!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2016 ⏰

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