.....I love you
______________________The sound of his "I love you" rang through your ears as if it were the ring of a bell fading away...
You faced each other...and kissed.....Rin turned you over and lie next to you with his arm around you and together you fell asleep.
The Next DayYou awoke from your slumber to a tight embrace from a distraught, dreaming Rin. You moved...he squeezed tighter...his arms like vines and legs like a fence you were trapped in. He didn't allow you to move because of how much he desired to keep you close, so you melted back in.
"Name"......Murrmered Rin.You sat there analyzing him and understanding the perfectly chiseled face, sea blue and sometimes red eyes, raven blast of hair and how his naked body was attached to yours.
He opened his eyes to greet you.
"Hello Rin..." you said hoping he would let go of you...
"Morning." He said looking down at his arms entangled with you in them and then letting go. "I'm sorry about holding you so much name. It's just I'm so wrapped up in the side of me that says you want to leave me. Please don't go...please..." He said pleading with his sky blue eyes piercing into your soul. "Me and Creed....name....Me and creed have been best friends too long. I miss actual love," He said rising up from the mattress, "and that best friend led me to taking you from everyone....go back.....you have to leave." With his last statement...he set you a flame.....and immediately...you noticed the pain, but it wasn't real. This pain was your wake up call...........
"NAME!!! Please wake up dont leave is like this," said Shimi crying over your unconscious body.
You, still feeling the pain from Rin's flames woke up screaming in Shimi's arms."I have to find him Shimi. Where is he? TELL ME NOW!!" You demanded as you rushed and stood with your bruised and beaten body from the battle that took place before you were knocked unconscious by Rin's final blow.
Shimi stood silent, staring at your bloody corpse that just rose after about an hour. You began running and following the sounds of agonizingly loud screams from those who faced Rin's wrath and anger.
From afar you saw his blue flames igniting the whole city as he fought those of True Cross Academy. All of the exorcist gathered around him as you ran the perimeter to find a better angle.
"Damnit Rin, come back!" you screamed as you saw him fighting those he loved....Yukio, Bon, and even Mephisto. I have to find him and do this for everyone. You thought as you ran to fight the love of your life. I'm coming Rin.
Almost there you begin to summon your demons Kio and Luna to aid you.
"Get close and don't let him see you, pin him down when I give the signal." You told them as you all split off and you headed into the group of exorcist barely holding on, chanting and shooting.
Making your way to the middle of the group you screamed to Rin to gain his attention, "RIN!!!, It's me please calm down..Don't do it...control them...don't let the flames control you.""You really think he's yours don't you?" replied Satan. "He's not...stupid little girl"
"TO HELL WITH YOU!!" you said and began charging to him and from behind your demons maneuvered to help you pin him down. You ran screaming for Rin, pleading and begging for him to come back.
Finally you gained close enough range to shoot him and your demons following suit pinning him down to the ground as you sttaddled Rin's now somewhat limp body.
"Rin, I know you can hear me don't let him take over!!....Rin I love you!!" you shouted and began to a change in his behavior. One of his arms began to clutch and hold on for dear life and holding your hand. You leaned in to kiss him and allow him to feel you more and more until he could get hold of him self.
You felt his eyes close and he stopped struggling and as soon as it got relaxing his eyes flicked open and everyone began to gasp as both of you lit a flame and Rin was hisself again he began the internal fight to cast out his father. The flames were intense but you bared it for him...To Be Continued