Uninvited guests

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hey guys, in school we had to write a short story, we got given a title (which explains why its so crappy) and a line that MUST appear somewhere in the story. Well, this is what I came up with...


He ran down the corridor, heart thumping and feet pounding against the concrete  floor. he closed his eyes, a very stupid thing to do, as the memories of not too long ago flooded his head.

His heart was pounding. He was sure he had seen the doorknob turn. He backed away from the rotten door in the so called 'haunted' house. Somewhere he knew this was a bad idea. But there were girls! Though he hated it, Xavier craved any form of attention. Even if that meant going into one of the creepiest places in town.

And now look where I am! He thought, still sprinting down the seemingly never-ending corridor. Running from some creepy old man! what have I become?

"You're still the little rat you always were Xavier." The voice made him stop in his tracks. Without the noise from his thumping feet, he could hear the footsteps of the old man getting closer, louder. He whimpered, something a jock, like him, would never do in public.

He span around, coming nose to nose with the man. The rotten, fish-like smell of his breath washed over Xavier's face. The smell of cigar smoke oozed from his clothes, baggy grey pants, a checked shirt, a massive brown-ish coat and a ripped up hat. he was gross, and that's putting it lightly.

The light glanced off a metal object in the man's hand and Xavier jumped, thinking it was a knife of some sort. He was wrong.

The sound of a motor starting filled the corridor. "Let's rid the world of one more nuisance shall we?"

Xavier fell to his knees raising his hands as if they would protect him from the hook-like blades on the chainsaw the man held in his hands.

A terrified scream ripped it's way from Xavier's throat as the man raised the machine that would be the cause of his demise.

A chuckle echoed around the corridor, bouncing off walls and multiplying, barely heard over the sound of the motor. The man brought the chainsaw down on Xavier's head that was placed, unfortunately for Xavier, in the perfect position. Brain matter, blood and pieces of skull flew everywhere, hitting and sticking to the walls and even the ceiling.

There was a crunch then a clunk as the blade of the 'murder-machine' got caught on it's victim's spine. The man let go of the chainsaw, it didn't move, lodged tight in the bone. His work was done, the world had one less nuisance and was probably very happy.

The tragic, and mysterious, death of one, Xavier Daniels, was forgotten days after the body was found. Most people felt a tinge of happiness, even his parents. Xavier was a nuisance and the world was better with one less of those.

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