The nightmare

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I woke up to my mum's cold hand touching my forehead, she had a worn look about her like she hasn't slept in days.

" Honey I think that you should stay home from school today"  worry crossing her fetcher's as she says this to me.

I sighed and gave her a brave smile " Mum i'm fine it's just a cold nothing major and besides I have a test and i can't miss it." But the thing I really wanted to do was look for the mysterious guy from yesterday. 

" Fine you can go but if you feel sick you are coming straight home"  she gave me a stern look before saying " Do you understand?"

"Yes mum now stop worrying or you will get wrinkles" I smirked teasing her. she rolled her eyes and walked out the door heading for work. I got out of bed and got dressed into some white short shorts and a blood red tank top and some white TOMS  and brushed my hair putting it in a high ponytail. I walked into the kitchen seeing Kat sitting at the table eating her fruit salad.

"Hey whats with the fruit it's not like you to be healthy?" I say with a slight smirk. Kat is renowned for her love of all food not good for you.

" Hey what are you the food police?..... If you must know Riley asked me out and I said yes so i'm getting fit" 

"Well don't got over board OK your skinny as it is ,now come on we will be late" I said this why heading out the door and jumping in my car.

When we got to school I headed to Mia we had English first up with Mrs Gandy she was a old English woman in her mid 50's. I sat at the back of the class room feeling really bored I put my head on the desk drifting off to sleep.


I was standing at the crash but this time it wasn't Cassie that was standing there is was the mysterious stranger from the office at school, his brown curly hair swaying in the wind his bright emerald eyes gleaming at me.

"Ah Zada you are almost completed you're transformation but you look in pain i new that Cassie should of just given you the blood her self, here this will help" with that he bit into his wrist, the scarlet liquid  dripping down onto the floor. i couldn't think my mind was in a haze I kept looking at the liquid he stepped closer to me moving his arm in front of him.

"Drink you need to ,it will be less painful" with that he pressed his arm to my mouth his blood was salty but sweet before i knew it he pulled away smiling at me. 

"Ah good as new  well you should wake up now Zada, English is almost over" with that i woke up.

Dream over 

Mia was looking at me with a weird face " Sienna you have something red on your lip"

sure enough i rubbed my lip and there was the strange substance "Hmmm I wonder what it is it can't be that's guys blood it was just a dream it had to be a dream" I thought this trying to reassure myself the bell went and it was time for lunch.

Zada The end of the beginningWhere stories live. Discover now