chapter 2

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"Urgh," I cried out as I hit  the mute button of my alarm clock. I got up took a quick shower did my hair in a ponytail and pulled on a black leggings, a spaghetti strap blouse marked too cute to be fooled. I pulled on a blue air max shoe matching my blouse and was downstairs in half an hour.

"Good morning," i greeted my mother walking into the kitchen.
"Morning sweetheart," she said with her mouth stuffed with bacons and toasts. This morning I was just gonna make a plate of fruit loops for breakfast. I went to the cupboard and pulled out a box of colourful sugar coated cereal. Making my way towards the fridge my phone started to vibrate. As I took the phone out of my back pocked and hit the answer button......

Beginning of call......


Is this Moya??

"Yes, that's me."

I was just informing you that am coming over later instead of tomorrow. My schedule changed.

"OK no problem am expecting you at 5:30pm."

OK bye.


"Well that was my tutor informing me he was coming over later."
"OK," my mom replied sipping on her steaming cup of chocolate with marsh mellows floating on top. After a guick breakfast we headed out for and my mom dropped me off at school. The day went pretty ordinary except the part where Alisa annoyed me about my tutor saying ' is he cute? Hope he is young? Don't flirt too much.

As the sun set at 5:00pm the cool air came upon the atmosphere quickly sending me warning that there was gonna be a cold night. As the clock hit 5:30pm I had currently showered and was now watching devious maids.

Ding dong, ding dong.

"Just a minute," I yelled at the door before muting the television. My mom wasn't home as yet for she was out late running a few errands. As I opened the door to mi surprise there stood 5'6 ft tall boy looking about the age of nineteen. He had strong muscular arms and a firm face. He was wearing a black v-neck shirt and a pants. His shirt was displaying all his body features including his incredible firm chest and I could see his six packs screaming with lust.

"Hi and you are?" I asked raising an eyebrow questioningly.
"Drake," he spoke with a calm voice. Damn he's hot I muttered in my mind. "Come in," I said stepping to the side and opening the door wider making more space for him to enter. "Thanks." He said firmly. I decided to study in my room after a short tour of my two story house. "So this is my room and where we will be studying for I dunno," I said ending the short tour. "So lets start then," his sexy but manly voice said behind me. "Sure," I replied as I got out my math book and directed him towards my bed. After a couple minutes of studying and understanding my mom got home. "Moya am home!" her voice shouted from downstairs with a bit of exhausted tone in it.

"Am in my room with my tutor!" I shouted back. After a moment of silence my mom knocked on my
Room door before coming in after my permission. After greeting Drake and a next hour of studying it was half past seven and all the work for today was covered Drake went home and I went in my room. "He's quite the catch isn't he?" My mom voice stated causing me to jump a bit. "Hey, didn't see you there you scared me," I answered avoiding her question.

"Don't play dumb I know you like him," she said in a spooky tone. "Mom!" I exclaimed as a small blush crept up my cheeks left me smiling in defeat. "Now don't think about it your only seventeen," she explained in a serious tone.

"Oh please. Why would I?" I asked in a disgust tone.

"Well at least I wasn't the one to build friendly borders between you. Scince that"s settled goodnight kiddo."
"Goodnight mom," I rolled my eyes pointing towards the door literally putting her along with her perv thinking out of my room.

I dropped in my bed with all my body weight as the pressure slowly ease from my body sending me a comforting feeling from the softness of my pillows and Lilly scented sheets. Within a quick five minutes of laying still my eyes slowly fell down sending me off to dreamland.


My phone was vibrating scince it was on silent mode due to the fact that I was studying. As I got up an looked at my alarm clock it was already 12:07 am. Suddenly my phone started to vibrate sending tickles up my spine due to the phones location. I was Alisa calling. Why would she call so late in the night? I asked my self.

Hitting the answer button I brought the phone up to my ears half asleep I responded lazily "hello."
"So how was you oh so romantic tutoring lesson?" Alisa asked. She was so caught up in teen romance she read alot of book and am afraid she will soon be acting like an insanely in love woman who has been touch for the first time.

"Can we talk tomorrow am really tired and its late?" I asked as a yawn crept out my mouth stretching my jaws to the extent. "OK," she said as her voice sound disappointed. Cling.

After our short conversation I threw my phone on my side table containing a night lamp and my alarm clock and went back to bed and before you know it I was once again asleep.

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