chapter 3

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So the chapters are short but i hope you enjoy them. This is my first time writting a book and am
A bit nervous so correct me if there is any errors..... Thanks and please rate, vote and comment!!!!!

Getting up at my usual time I sprung up from my bed and stood still a couple second before turning towards my bathroom. After a quick shower I got dress a decided to walk to school today for it wasn't far from home. Making my way downstairs I told my mom about my plan of morning exercise. After a short conversation between us I grabbed an Apple and headed out to start my walk to school.

I had twenty five minutes before school started. I got there within ten minuted having the next fifteen minutes explaining yesterday to Alisa as lamoya sat and absorb every ounce of details straight from the knock on the door to the greetings the our short good bye. Drake seem nice but I don't want to seem like a horny teenage girl searching for love.

After a few tutoring lessons and our short conversations during leading he really seems like a nice person. With his help my report was shooting straight A in the math section as I expected.

It was a Friday and I was at home watching 'dream girls' when suddenly a message appeared on my phone. Surprisingly it was from Drake scince we exchanged numbers.

Drake: hey my family's having a little luncheon an they said o could invited a friend scince there were a alot of people I don't know.

Me: um......I don't do well with crouds I tend to get a bit nervous. Hitting the send button as I bit my lip and held my breath for his reply. In fact we became good friends over the past four months he has helped me.

Drake: me either but we can jus walk in the garden um.......if that's ok. I promise you wont regret it.

Me: OK can you pick me up my mom is using her car.

Drake: no problem see you at six.

Me: OK bye.

Ending the conversation there I checked the clock and it was saying 5:30pm. I quickly took a shower put on a nice skirt knee length and a mid-sleeve blouse tucking it in my skirt as I put my hair in a ponytail and put on a black pair of casual flats.

Waiting about five more minutes the door bell rang. Running downstairs to answer it I quickly made my way towards the door. Opening it out of breath there stand a nicely dresses Drake smiling at me.

When he saw my facial expressions he asked trying not to sound too worried " were you running?" He ask raising an eyebrow questioningly.
"Um.......I w w w was just......" I stuttered nervously holding my head down as a small blush crept up my cheek. "Shall we?" He motioned towards the door. "Just a minute," I said running to the kitchen.

'Out at Drake's parents for a luncheon be back by ten' I scribbled on a piece of paper placing it on the kitchen counter before finally heading towards the exit.

Closing the door after I left I went and sat silently in the passenger seat. The ride was a bit silent and took only ten minutes. When we got there I greeted the Benson's then drake gave me a tour of the place.

"And this is the garden," he explained ending the tour at his promised explanation. Before i could take one step further I slpied over a dead flowers on the grass and fell. I felt a strong embrase around my body as Drake's arm supported my body from hitting the grass.

We remain in that pasition for a while where I was pressed against his chest sideway as out faces were inches apart. Feeling his hard body against mine his masculine perfume sent butterflies in my stomach.

"Woah.....waich it," his voice hit me sending me out of my comfort zone. He the placed me back on my feet where I was currently standing now. "Thanks," I muttered in a slight embarrassed tone. From that moment I could see in his eyes he felf something for me deep within.

For the rest of the evening we just walk in the garden and share story about when we were younger.

"One day my mom left my little cousin Mark and I with a baby sitter," I began my story. "Noodles was our favourite and we wouldn't stop asking our babysitter for it." I explained as Drake focused on my wordy while we sat in a gazibo in the garden. "Unwillingly she made it mumbling the whole time. However it tasted like plastic and burn steak so we just pretended that it was strands of hair and decorated our heads." (Photo above showing this) Chuckling lightly of my story he replied, " what was her response?"
"Well she was so piseed she pack up and left us. And from that day my mom never hired another babysitter because we babysit them instead." I replied. We were both laughing really hard at my story; trying to stop as we wipe the stray tears that escaped from our eyes due to our laughter.

"You seem to be having so much fun," a voice interrupted out laughter. Turning to the right there stoop Mrs. Benson Drake's mother with a smoke plastered on her face.

"Oh, hi Miss Benson," I replied standing up to greet the slim and blond lady looking about her mid forties.

"Hello Moya, please call me Sharon." She replied in a warm voice. "I was just informing you that the food is ready." She said turning away. "We'll be there soon mom," Drake replied.

After a delicious meal with the Benson's it was getting late and I had to get going. After our a goodbye Drake offered me a ride home which I gladly accepted.

"Well thanks for tonight I was fun." I said in a thankful tone. "Well if was fun night for me too and your welcome," he replied with a smile. "Goodnight," I called to him while slipping out of the passenger seat and making my way inside. "G'night," he called back while pulling out my drive way.

When I got inside my mom was already asleep so silently closing the door I made my way upstairs change into my pajamas and went to sleep shortly after.

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