Chapter 7

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“Cheryl....Cheryl?” The darkness in front of Cheryl began to dissipate, into a concentrated beam of florescent light. She could feel herself being gently shaken by the shoulders, however she was unable to see who was causing this slight movement as her vision still wasn’t completely present. “Babe we have to get up.” Recognising the voice that had created these words she sat up gradually, wiping the sleep from her eyes. Kimberley’s beautiful face filled the space in front of her, and her lips curled into a smile. “Good morning.” Yawned Cheryl, the amazing memories of last night beginning to come back to her. “Good morning to you too”, Kimberley said softly, “Although it might not be that good if we don’t get out of here soon.” Cheryl looked down, noticing that she was still naked and covered by the velvet curtain. “Sh!t, what time is it?” “About 9:00, which means first period is about to start.” Cheryl raised from the ground gracefully, and ran across the stage collecting items of their clothing. She returned to Kimberley, placing Kim’s clothes in a small pile on the curtain, while jumping up and down on the spot attempting to place her shoes on. “I don’t think I have ever seen you run that fast!” laughed Kimberley, who had just revealed her naked body from the curtain and quickly placed her clothing on, noticing that Cheryl couldn’t help but glance in her direction. “Well I don’t think my parents would like the principal calling and saying, Hi Mr and Mrs Tweedy...oh yes Cheryl’s doing fine...her grades are magnificent...however she did have sex in the  auditorium with the schools new student...yes perhaps she was just showing her around...” “Good point” laughed Kimberley, taking the now fully dressed Cheryl’s handed leading her into the schools hallways. However just as they slipped through the door, they didn’t notice a sliver of blond hair disappearing behind a pillar, and the tapping of feet leaving the auditorium behind them. 


Cheryl ran quickly down the street, having spent a tremendous amount of time figuring out what to wear for the party, resulting in her being late. After frolicking around her room, trying on outfit after outfit without avail, she looked towards the small analogue clock which sat on her bedside table and noticed how late it had gotten. Unable to waste any more precious time she decided to leave the house in the last outfit she had tried on, a cute black cocktail dress with new jimmy choo heels she had found recently. Cheryl climbed up Kimberley’s front steps and knocked loudly on her oak front door. “Its open!” sounded Kimberley’s voice from a distance. When hearing this Cheryl turned the golden knob and entered the house. The walls were a cream colour, bordered by wallpaper which displayed little pink flowers. The furniture was of an antique description, with numerous pictures of Kimberley perched on the walls above them. “Hey Kim, I'm here!” yelled Cheryl. “Ill be down in a second babe!” Kimberley shouted back, her voice accompanied by her loud footsteps sounding throughout the house as she searched for her clothes. Cheryl approached one of the many photo frames, which contained a picture of a young Kimberley sitting on the lap of a woman wearing a gorgeous heart- shaped necklace. Cheryl became absorbed in the picture and was unaware of Kimberley’s presence just behind her. “That’s my mother...” Kimberley said from behind Cheryl, placing her head on Cheryl’s shoulder. “She’s pretty.” Cheryl replied with a smile. “I don’t see her very often. She’s usually working overseas, she comes back occasionally though. I miss her everyday, silly for a 16 year old I know.” “No, its not silly at all.” Cheryl turned around and embraced Kimberley who was attempting to suppress her sorrow. “We should probably go.” Said Kimberley who had already begun to walk towards the door. 


“I can’t believe you did that!” chuckled Kimberley as Cheryl told her stories of all her bad behaviour throughout the years. Since they had left the house their conversation had seemed to raise Kimberley’s spirits significantly. “So who is this Georgia who is holding the party?” asked Kimberley curiously. “To be honest I'm not too sure...I think she’s in our grade.” Said Cheryl, unable to suppress the urge to look at Kimberley’s chest. “Do you take your camera everywhere?” laughed Cheryl as she noticed the black Nikon camera bouncing up and down on Kimberley’s chest. “I just thought there might be a few good photo opportunities.”

They reached a large football field, where they had been told the party was to take place. Surely enough a large crowd of people had already inhabited the grassy mass, with loud bursts of music sounding from the field. “Hey!” Cheryl and Kimberley looked in the direction of the shout and saw Nadine and Nicola heading towards them, smiling from ear to ear. “Nice to see you too here.” Said Nicola as she folded the corner of a book she held down and closed its pages. “You brought a text book to a party?” asked Cheryl as she looked at the cover which stated “Physics: let’s get physical!” “Yeah well I thought that I might get a few moments to study.” Nicola replied bashfully, the darkness hiding the newly formed red tinge on her cheeks. “Guys! Guys! Over here!” The girls turned and saw the stumbling form of Sarah making her way towards them. “Drunk already are we?” asked Nadine, laughing slightly. “It’s a partay! So...PARTAY!” yelled Sarah with a surprising enthusiasm.

Nadine, Nicola and Kimberley all walked towards the food table, immersed in mindless chatter (and a constant flashing light as Kimberley took photos at every opportunity), while Cheryl began to consume large amounts of alcohol under Sarah’s influence. “It’s a party,” thought Cheryl “so why not have a bit of fun?” A bit of fun turned into mass amounts of empty bottles. Sarah and Cheryl had slowly made their way into the crowd of dancing teens and began to shake their hips rhythmically. Cheryl spotted a girl that appeared to be Nicola in the corner talking to a tall boy, laughing nervously and saw various flashes coming from her right. “Hey.” Said a blonde girl who was dancing next to Cheryl. “Oh hey...” replied Cheryl, who found this girl familiar but couldn’t quite place her...perhaps the alcohol was starting to take its toll. “You look amazing tonight.” The girl said sexily, coming closer to Cheryl’s swaying body and beginning to grind on her. “Oh um thanks...” said Cheryl trying to inch away from the girl. Suddenly she felt the girl’s arms around her body and her lips on hers. Cheryl struggled to end the kiss; however the girl was extremely persistent. Once again a series of flashes appeared close by, capturing this strange moment. 


“I don’t feel too good...” said Cheryl as she leaned on Nicola and Kimberley as the girls walked home together. “No wonder, you drank a few kegs worth!” Kimberley said with a mixture of humour and worry contained in her voice. “Maybe you should stay at my place tonight.” Added Kimberley, unable to let Cheryl be alone when she was this ill. They all reached Kimberley’s doorstep and said their goodbyes...Sarah yelling them at the top of her lungs while Nadine attempted to control her. Kim and Cheryl quickly went inside, Kimberley leading her to her room and into the safe confines of the double bed. She grabbed a plastic bucket and placed it on Cheryl’s side of the bed. Kimberley then stripped down to her underwear and climbed in next to her girlfriend. “Are you feeling ok babe?” asked Kimberley gently. “On top of the world.” Cheryl replied sarcastically, although lying next to Kimberley was rather heavenly. “Did you take any good pictures tonight?” asked Cheryl groggily. “I'm not sure yet, but Ill develop them tomorrow.” Said Kimberley as she stroked Cheryl’s hair, who was now drifting into sleep.

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