Chapter 10

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Kimberley strode down the tiled hallway, bordered by the faces of blue lockers, unable to stop smiling. Since she had entered the school grounds the friendly faces of both familiar and unknown students greeted her and wished her a happy birthday. Those that she had grown close to since her arrival at the school handed her presents, such as Nadine, Sarah and Nicola who had given her a new state of the art set of photography studio equipment. She had no idea how the girls found such amazing stuff, but their efforts had lightened Kimberley’s mood more then she thought possible.

 As she made her way to English, sorting her books into a neat pile she was lightly tapped on the shoulder. Kimberley turned and saw Nadine situated in front of her, looking extremely serious. “Um are you ok Nadine?” asked Kimberley, sensing Nadine’s tense vibes radiating from within her. “I really need to talk to you...” Nadine said quietly. “Maybe we should go in here.” Nadine pointed her slender finger towards an open classroom door.

 They both entered the room, Nadine walking with purpose and Kimberley following immersed in confusion. Kim sat down at desk located in the middle of the room, indicating the seat next to her for Nadine. She slowly made her way to the empty chair and sat down, moving it a little further away from Kim. “Look...before I start I just want you to understand that I'm sorry...Really really sorry. Please don’t be angry.” Nadine’s eyes were full of desperation. “What could Nadine have possibly done?” thought Kimberley, unable to find an answer for her query after searching her brain thoroughly. “I don’t know what I was thinking; believe me I have been trying to figure it out since this whole thing happened. Something just came over me.” Nadine was now beginning to shake a little, obviously trying to fight back tears lying just behind her gorgeous eyes. Kimberley took her hand and placed it on Nadine’s, attempting to comfort her. “Nadine, whatever it is, it won’t change our friendship. I promise you.” A small, weak smile appeared on Nadine’s face after Kimberley had voiced these words; however her previous expression returned when she began to speak again. “It was me. I was the girl who kissed Cheryl at the party.”

 Kimberley’s hand that was grasping Nadine’s now became limp. “I just saw her there, and I felt that I had too. Maybe it’s because lately I have felt like she’s slipping away from me. We have been best friends since we were four and now she’s going down her own path. Making new friends, finding different interests...falling in love. I miss her so much sometimes. And for that one second it felt right to kiss her.” Nadine looked up, trying to measure Kimberley’s reaction. However she remained stoic and unreadable. “The reason I'm telling you this is I can’t stand seeing you and Cheryl so depressed. The Cheryl I know disappeared when she lost you...and it’s all my fault.” She burst into tears, her guilt becoming to much to bear. “She tried to pull away! She loves you!” Nadine pleaded to Kimberley. Kim sat for another minute, absorbing what Nadine had just confessed to her. “So...she didn’t cheat on me?” Kimberley asked quietly. “No. I don’t expect you to forgive me. What I did is beyond horrible.” The crying girl felt the loving arms of Kimberley embrace her, holding her tight. “I told you whatever it was wouldn’t change our friendship, and I meant it. Thank you.” Kimberley gave Nadine one last squeeze as she apologised for having to get to class, and left the room and Nadine, who was still coming to terms with being forgiven.


For once she in life Kimberley had chosen to be rebellious. Skipping English seemed completely necessary, as she ran to the study hall rooms to find Cheryl, who was bound to be there (not studying of course). Cheryl heard the door open and looked up from her magazine. At first she prepared to be hounded by a teacher who had discovered that Cheryl was spending her study time doing exactly the opposite, but when she looked at the doorway, the person she had least expected stood directly in front of her, maintaining intense eye contact. “Kim...?” But Cheryl was silenced by a pair of smooth, plump lips kissing hers, passion pulsating from their beings. “I'm not dreaming am I?” asked Cheryl after they parted. “Nope” Kim replied, placing another kiss on Cheryl’s lips. “I'm really confused.” “I believe you...does that help?” laughed Kim who was now kissing every inch of Cheryl’s skin, which she had missed so greatly. “I guess your going for the kiss now talk later approach?” Cheryl said chuckling at Kimberley’s eagerness. Her question was answered by a pair of hands finding their way down Cheryl’s body, into her jeans. “Ill take that as a yes!”

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