it's over (sad)

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It's 12 am, you're home upstairs in you room. You're waiting for you best friend, she promised you she would watch a movie with you because you were home alone and you haven't seen each other in like a month because your best friend was in France. Justin told you he was outside with friends so you decided to invite your best friend. You walk downstairs to the kitchen to grab some food, you open the door of your bedroom and walk downstairs. You walk towards the kitchen and you're looking for some junkfood. Suddenly you hear the door bell ring, you walk to the door and open it and just as you expected it was **your best friends name**.

'' y/n i missed you so much oh my god'' you guys give each other a big hug and both of you walk upstairs to your bedroom. ''So how was France, did you like it?'' you ask. ''I had a lot of fun, the weather was fantastic, the food was perfect and of course the french boys are super hot''. ''So how is Justin doing, you guys are still together right?'' she asks you. ''He is doing great haha, and yeah of course we are still together, tomorrow we will be together for exact 1 year'' you tell her. '' damn, that's a long time, i'm happy for you guys'. 'Hahaha, thank you' '' So should we start the movie?''you ask.

After the movie...

'' okay to be honest, this movie was so boring, hahaha'' you say. '' I know right, i almost was sleeping''. You turn the tv off and you just got a great idea. '' **your best friends name** shall we go outside, and go somewhere to drink something . '' Yea, let's go to that place called 'Freeze', it's very nice there and they have great drinks'. You guys go downstairs and grab the keys of your car. You lock the front door and go to your car. Freeze is very close it's only 5 minutes away from your house.

You guys arrive at Freeze, there are a lot of cars parked in front. Then you notice the car of Justin. '' I think Justin and his friends are also here, let's go inside and surprise them'' you say.

You walk inside and look around, then you see something you didn't want to see. It was Justin, but without his friends, he was kissing a strange girl. ' oh... my... god...' your best friend says. You can't even say a word, you just don't know what to say. 'I thought he told you, he was with his friends' she says. 'I thought the same, but he totally lied to me' you say and start shaking and  breathing quicker. You can't take control of yourself anymore, you're so mad. Tears are streaming down your face, you just can't believe he is cheating on you. You guys have been together for almost a whole year, and he just kissed another girl. You just stand there at the door crying, looking at them. Suddenly Justin turns his head and looks right into your eyes, you can see he is in shock. He walks towards you and before he could say something to you , you scream ''HOW DARE YOU!'' right in his face, you push him away and run to your car together with your best friend. Justin comes after you but you guys were quicker and already left.

You stop the car at the side of the street, you start to cry harder. You're so mad, you start to hit the things in your car. Your best friend tries to calm you down. 'Y/N let's change from seats, i will drive us to your house' your friend says. 'How, How how how, how could he do this to me, and why, why would you cheat on someone'. 'We were almost one year together, but no, he had to ruin this, he had to kiss that whore'.

You guys arrive at your house. You feel bad for your best friend, this was supposed to be a fun day, you were supposed to be happy together. You guys walk upstairs to your bedroom, you see all the stuff of Justin in the room. ' *Your friends name* can you go downstairs and get a garbage bag, i've to clean all the mess aka Justin's stuff' you say. Your friend walks down stairs and comes back with a garbage bag. You take all of Justin's stuff and throw it in it, his clothes, his hair products, pictures, his games and all the other stuff. You open your window and throw it outside in the garden next to the garbage, just were he belongs. 'I'm sorry *Y/BF/N, this was supposed to be so much fun, but the asshole had to ruin it, but i'm very sleepy and i feel like shit, so i will sleep right now' you say. 'Don't say sorry, I totally understand you and i'm here for you, we will have another fun day soon, i'm also tired so let's sleep', Your best friend says.

Next day.

You're awake, and so is your  friend, she has to leave early because she had a doctor appointment. You guys are standing at the front door. 'Well, i've to go now, otherwise i'll be late, i'll text you later, don't think a lot about last night, i love you, bye' she says. 'Thank you for coming, love u too' you say. You shut the door and walk to the couch and lay on it. You had a long night yesterday a lot of bad things happened. You turn the tv on and watch something. After a while the doorbell rang, it's probably your best friend who forgot something. You walk towards the front door, you open it, and all you anger came back. It was Justin, standing in front of you. 'Y/N, I'm so..' he tries to say but you interrupt him 'oh I don't need excuses from you, please get the fuck out of here'. 'No Y/N please wait, i love you'. You feel your eyes burning, 'you love me?, why do you kiss another girl if you love me, WHY?' I yell. 'Let me in and i will explain everything' he says. 'You literally think i will let you in, after you did this to me, don't think so' i say and slam the door and walk away, sadly Justin stops the door and walks in. 'Y/N i'm really sorry, i didn't mean to hurt you, i was just drunk and i wasn't thinking'. 'Just drunk huh, you were just drunk? You really think you can use that as an excuse?' I said with tears in my eyes, the feeling to kiss this boy is so high but i can't his lips touched another girls lips. 'y/n, please i.. i..' justin tried to say, but i cut him off. ' No Justin, it's over'. i said with tears streaming down my face. ' Y/N' he whispers and grabs me by my waist. ' No Justin, please just leave' i say as i push him away from me, just leave me alone' i say. I Could see tears rolling on his cheeks, i kinda feel bad but anyway he cheated on me. Justin walks towards the front door and opens it, he steps out and turns around. ' It's over' i say and close the door. 

y' all sorry for all the grammer mistakes, English is not my first language, but i try my best lmao, i hope y' all liked it. 

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