Chapter 16

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Charlene's POV
Running alongside the Raptors was quite fun, Delta kept looking up at us and I smiled at her. The raptors ran ahead of us and I could tell they sensed something near by. Barry was right behind us and I knew he was checking his radar.

"They're slowing down." He said behind us and my dad clicked a button on his walkey- talkey type thing and spoke loud and clear into it.

"They got something." He spoke and sped up to catch up with the Raptors. They started to slow and my dad slowed with them finally stopping at a halt. He put his hand up as a signal to the other driver to stop and officers started coming out of the lorry with guns in their arms ready to shoot.
"Stay here." My dad said and I completely disobeyed him and got off the motorcycle.

"I don't have time for this." He groaned. "Stay here." My dad headed off and Barry looked at me and threw me a small gun.

"Thank you." I smiled.
"Do you know how to use it?" I nodded and followed behind my dad. I was well excited as I'd never used a gun before but guns like these I knew how to use. We creeped slowly through the jungle and I stayed by Barry just at the back.

We all ducked behind a log all of us in a line trying to get a clear shot, I wasn't allowed to fire this was only for defence. The raptors started to communicate amongst theirselves and thudding footsteps were approaching us making the ground shake.

I'd come across this monster before and got away I'm sure I can do it a second time. The I-Rex suddenly appeared out of the vines and bent down to look at the velociraptors, it growled and Blue communicated back.
"Somethings wrong." Barry whispered.

"They're communicating."
"I know why they wouldn't tell us what it's made of." My dad replied.

"That things part Raptor." My dad whispered slowly.
"That means it can turn Blue and the others against us." All the Raptors turned to face us and they ducked down low and started hissing.

"Engage!" One of the men shouted and they all started shooting. Someone shot a missile and it hit a tree causing some part of the jungle to blow up. The I-Rex was knocked down but immediately got up again.

"Watch your six. Raptors got a new Alpha." My dad shouted to everyone. "Stay by my side." He whispered to me.

"Thanks for making this job a lot harder. Why couldn't you just do what I asked you to?" He said a little more seriously.

"I-i wanted to make sure the Raptors didn't get hurt."

"Yeah well now I have an extra person to look after." He groaned. Why was he being like this.

"Fine, I'll go by myself." I started to walk in front of him.
"Stay by me."

"No, I won't. Not if I'm too much hassle for you. Maybe you should've worn protection when you had sex that way you wouldn't of had to end up with me." I strolled off with tears running down my face. I didn't even hold my gun up getting ready to shoot, If I died then I died.

One of the men got attacked right in front of me making me jump. My heart started racing and for the first time ever I was scared to be in the company of my own Raptors. Everyone around me started getting attack and I just froze on the spot and I couldn't move.

"Come on Char." My dad shouted and pushed me along with him. We trudged through the tall grass which was higher than me, this would be easier for the Raptors to stalk us. I heard the crunching of bones and turned to face the noise, Charlie heard us and looked up at us.

My dad refused to shoot her and we just stared at her not making any sudden movements. My dad lowered his gun and Charlie tilted her head to the side. She obviously new we were on her side.

A missile launcher came heading straight towards us and blew Charlie up right before our eyes. Me and my dad were thrown back due to the force and as soon as we landed all I could do was stare. Charlie had been blown up and realisation hit me, she was gone. A tear rolled down my face and suddenly I burst out into tears.

"Char. Come on." My dad tried helping me up.

"Don't touch me." I shouted. I didn't want to think that she was gone. The last Raptor to be born, the one I introduced into the world with open arms. The last Raptor I carried as she stumbled out the egg, she was gone and so was a part of my heart. "Charlie!" I screamed as tears rolled down my face.

"Shh. Shh. Listen we got to keep moving." My dad said trying to hug me.
"No!" I said as the flames from the missile slowly disappeared.

"Come on." I tried to run over to her but my dad grabbed me with all the strength he had and we both ran to the motorcycle, I was more reluctant to go but I had to. We both hopped on as my dad started up the vehicle.

"No!" We both heard and turned to where the sound was coming from. It was Barry under a log with Blue trying to reach him. "No! Blue!" My dad started rearing his engine distracting Blue. She snapped her head up to face us and my dad whistled, I grabbed onto him tight. He turned and raced off with Blue right on our tail.

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