Chapter 3

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Joey continued to unload the van in my drive way while I stared at him through the window. I hope I didn't come across as too shy.

As he walked back to the house I opened the door for him. He had four boxes stacked on top of each other and I could barely see his face. He groaned as he set them down on the bottom of the stairs.

"That's all I can carry." He said smiling.

"That's okay, thanks so much."

"No problem."

We both stood still. I started to look around the house like I was thinking about something but I couldn't stand the silence. Joey itched the back of his head and stepped forward.

"So... it was nice meeting you." He said.

"You too." I sounded so nervous.

"I'll see you around then?"


He walked over to the door and opened it. I felt so rude not opening it for him. He waved, then turned quickly to leave. I shut the door behind him and said 'bye'.

It wasn't the worst of all my first impressions. But I still felt awkward. I guess I feel like that all the time. I shouldn't worry though, I'll see him on the bus twice a day and most likely in school. I'll have plenty of other chances to impress him and act like myself.

It was six thirty now and I was already tired. It must have been from the flight and all the unpacking. I wanted to go to sleep. I ran into the living room with the iPad and jumped onto the couch. It made a loud smacking noise and I giggled. I pulled the blanket off the back of the couch and pulled it up to my neck. It was so soft.

I started watching random episodes of my favorite shows on Netflix. There's always some sort of romance involved. It reminded me of Joey. I couldn't stop thinking about that awkward silence. I know, I hold on to things way too much but every time I think of it I get this weird feeling in my stomach. It's the same feeling I get when there's drama at my school. Like I don't know what's going to happen next. I hate it.

I put my head down and curled up by bringing my legs up. I tucked my arms into my stomach and closed my eyes. The voices from the show helped me zone out and before I knew it, I was asleep.

I woke up at 6:00 this morning and forced myself to go back to sleep. When I opened my eyes for the second time I clicked the home button on the iPad which was still sitting next to me. The screen lit up and I squinted. 11:00. It was 11:00. How could I have slept that long? The sun beamed through the cracks of the curtain and I lifted the blanket off my chest. It was freezing. I shivered and pulled the blanket back on as quick as possible. I held it against me tightly and moved my legs around. Eventually I sat up with the blanket pulled over my shoulders and I walked into the kitchen. My mom wasn't there but there were two cinnamon buns sitting on the counter in a small pan. There were brown marks where the other ones had been. She must have already eaten.

I picked one up getting my fingers covered in frosting and I bit into it. It was delicious. The frosting mixed with the cinnamon in my mouth and I let out a small 'mmm'.

I went to wipe my fingers but couldn't find a napkin. I went to wipe it on my shorts and that's when I realized I slept in my clothes. Oops.

I finished breakfast, ran up the stairs and into my room. There were large boxes full of clothes I haven't worn. I opened up the first one I saw and lifted up a pile of shirts. I continued to take out clothes and set them on the floor until finally, a shirt. It was pink, it said 'Aruba' on it and it was kind of a belly shirt. It only went to my belly button and then had strings hanging down to my waist. I pulled out some white shorts and slipped those on as well.

I stepped into the bathroom and began brushing my hair. It's a little difficult to brush your hair when it's down to your butt. I didn't wear much makeup though, only a bit of mascara.

I flounced downstairs and looked out the window. Joey was shooting hoops with a kid I had seen yesterday with my mom. He lived like, ten houses down and I'm pretty sure his name was Trevor. He looked my age but I could be wrong.

I wanted to get the mail again. But I felt like it would look like I'm trying to hard to get his attention. In addition, I feel like it'd be more awkward because of yesterday.

I decided to go anyways. I fixed my hair in the mirror by the door. I smiled for myself and opened the screen door. I watched the ground as I stepped onto the walkway pretending I didn't know they were there. they kept talking about the same thing and laughed. But then it got quiet and Trevor whispered something. I heard Joey say my name. I tried walking quieter and ran my fingers through my hair. I heard Trevor whisper, "I dare you to say 'hi'". I opened my mailbox and there was nothing there. How stupid. Now I have to walk back with nothing. I hate this. Why did I do this. I wish I could teleport to the house. Oh great now they're looking at me.

"Hey, Hannah." Joey yelled from across the yard.

I completely froze and turned my head. I must have looked so stupid.

"Oh, hey Joe-" I paused for a second before saying "y".

I kept walking.


I hate myself.

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