The Peaceful Times Have Made Us Blind

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"If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge?"- william shakespeare


Raziel stood next to God who was watching the basin full of water from the River. "He made a damn deal?!" God spat.

"He's the only one who has ever escaped Tartarus."

"He was supposed to rot in Hell, but now he has a ticket for the good life!" God ran his hands through his wavy light brown hair, "He betrayed us, Raziel!"

"You forced him to choose. I told you what would happen if you wanted to kill him but you wouldn't listen. He dedicated every moment of his miserable life to you. He had true faith."

"It was either that or a revolt. You know he was getting too powerful and now he's going to grow even more. Damn it!"

Raziel rolled his eyes. "You are such a bad strategist. So you decided his life was worth it? You now have to deal with the consequences, so we better start preparing. We're gonna have a long war ahead of us."

"Don't lecture me. Why don't we try killing him? He gave up his soul for Lucifer's protection. If he dies another time he'll cease to exist. Right?" God's eyes held a malicious light in them.

"You underestimate both of them. Isaiah is still a prophet and despite his young age his gift is powerful. Not to mention, Lucifer lowered himself to a servant for Isaiah. He's not gonna let him die so easily." Raziel watched his best friend pace back and forth wearing down the carpet in his living room. "Enough is enough. Go home before you wear a hole in my carpet. I'll think of something. Ariel just got back from her trip on the Surface so go."

God ignored Raziel. His mind was jumping from thought to thought and he was trying to keep up. "Are the Seven Sins back from their trip to the Surface?"

"No, but I hear they'll be coming back soon."

"I suppose you heard that from Pride." God muttered under his breath.

"If it makes you happy, then yes. I heard it from Pride." Raziel ruffled his wings and drew the concentrated man's attention. "We've made it through worse."

"Go get Raguel and Jeremiel. I want to know how we are doing." God snapped out of his agitated state and started acting like his usual self.

"Understood, sir. Would you like me to call the other Archangels?"

"No, just Raguel, Jeremiel, and you will be fine."

Raziel let out a small laugh. "Ariel's gonna give you Hell."

"Just go."

Raziel rolled his eyes again, walked out of his house, spread his wings, and quickly flew away to fetch the requested.


Raguel took off his reading glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose. What does he want this time?, he thought. God may be known for his acceptance and love, but behind his good looks and calming aura he was just as cruel as he was loving. Isaiah was a perfect example of such cruelty.

"Raguel!" God shouted startling the weary archangel.

"Yes?" Raguel asked, quickly shoving the glasses back on and almost stabbing his eyes out.

"Are the rest of The Fleet back from Earth?"

"Of course not, sir. We do have jobs."

"Get rid of the attitude, Raguel. Who else is here?"

"Ariel and Uriel."

"Okay," God's brow furrowed. "Everyone will continue to do their jobs for now, but Raguel, increase the production of seraphs."

"Okay, but why did you call just us here? And why are we at Raziel's house?"

"It's about Isaiah and he doesn't want anybody to know that a war will eventually break out because of his decision." Raziel looked over at God with an accusatory glare.

"It had to be done. In politics no one is happy." God said glaring back.

Raziel rolled his eyes, something that Raguel noticed he picked up from his last visit to the Surface. Raguel tried it. It was fun. Jeremiel looked at them with an inquisitive look on his face before asking God the question that had stumped him since he arrived. "Why did you call me here, sir?"

Raguel looked at God, now he was curious as well. "I was wondering," God started, "if you could revoke Isaiah's gift of foresight. It'll make preparations and the war easier." God looked at Jeremiel with hope in his eyes, but all Jeremiel could do was sadly shake his head.

"I'd have to have his consent and physical contact with him."

"So it's possible!" He exclaimed while the hope never left his eyes.

Jeremiel looked at the others before shrugging. He wasn't going to be the one to try and rationalize with him. "I guess."


Title Credit: Reluctant Heroes from Attack on Titan (I don't know who originally sings the song.)

Please comment any improvements you think should be made because my writing sucks. 

R&R!!! Thanks for reading!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2017 ⏰

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