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"Mom, I'll be's only going to be a few months"

"I know sweetie it's just......I won't see you as often......"

"Then why did we move here in the first place...?"

"You already know why, It's for the better...."
I sigh my defeat and swing my duffle bags over my shoulder while giving mom one last hug.

"You will do perfectly fine know that"

"I do know......I just don't feel sure of it" i pull away while looking at her with a slight smile. " I gotta go..."

She gives me an understanding nod and begins to walk back into her car,then I watch her drive off into the sea of colors and honks. I slowly turn to face the building, taking a deep breath. I was a chosen outcast, I thought, might as well take the chance....

I make my first steps onto the green grass and walk towards the castle like building. This would be the start of my 4 years here, who knows what'll be in store for me.
So you guys are wondering who's POV this is and here's the thing. I decided that to make this story interesting and Unique, I would put in 1 of my OCs into it and here's her info.
Name: Anette Sorairi
Age: 14
Backround: Native of Chicago, but was the only one in the entire state to be chosen to attend
'Walt Disney High' having to move all the way to California. She knows nothing of the Magical Fantasy world that she is to See, nor the magic within herself.
(Look at the media for how she looks like)

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