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"You must keep the girl in your sights. You musn't let her get too powerful."

The deep, scratchy voice sent chills rippling through Easton's body.

"Yes, but sir-" Easton's sentence was interrupted with a deep sigh.

"It was not a question, Easton. Watch the girl. Your wife has forseen that she will be powerful. We will want her on our side for the plan to be succesful."

"My wife's visions are rarely accurate."

"But they have been of late. It will do no harm to send the boy to watch her. Do so. Now get out of my sight. You pathetic presence is giving me a migrane."

"Yes, Master." Easton stood from his kneeling postion and and exited the room.

"Circe, send the boy and some shadows for the girl. And do not bother the Master." Easton spoke to his wife with authority.

"Yes husband."  Circe walked out of the hall to fufill her husband's orders.

Easton walked to the window at the end of the hall and looked out the large window.

"Soon." he muttered

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