Chapter 21: The SoOner The Better

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A cold fresh air hit my face, entered my soul and iced my body, the winter is getting colder day by day, I looked at the sky, still dark and clouded, I took both of my freezing hands together close to my mouth, whisper in them, trying to make them warm, so I can feel them , yet that hadn't helped much, I should buy later a new pair of gloves, I put them back in my red coat pockets, took a long breath and continue my road to the office.

Martha have already suggested that her driver can take and bring me back everyday but I did not accepted it, I know the road is long, in fact it's farther then it's used to be, and the winter is cold, icy cold yet her driver is still a strange man to me, I can't go alone with him everyday and comeback even though I know he's an old and a good respectful man , I still think and believe that it's better for me to go on my own, she wasn't much happy with my decision, didn't understand it and assured me that he's worthy the trust but once she saw how detreminated I'm, she didn't argue more, perhaps she hoped I will change my mind in few days, whatever it's the reason she had it's no important.

When I reached the building, I saw a red Ferrari car going inside through the parking door to the basement floor, I stood staring at it for a few seconds, this must be his car, wonder if he saw me standing here on the door , I shook my head after that thought, hopefully he didn't otherwise what would he think, no he surely haven't, I mean how could he see me anyway.

I went inside to my office, took off my coat, staying only with my gray pullover, it's warmer here, the heat function well, I turned on my computer and waited.

Wonder why when something bother you and you try to forget it hardly you don't, you can't, it stay stuck there in the back of your mind and doesn't want to let go, the idea of him seeing me staring at his car, even if I don't know if he did still bother me, I should be very careful, speacialy after yesterday, I practically told him that after all what happened nothing in our relation ship had or will change, he's still the same man I met the first day and I'm still whoever he sees me as, we should forget , forget it all, all the things we said .

Lucky me I haven't saw him again yesterday, at dinner time, I get back downstairs to find out from Claire that Martha and Allan had left together and she won't go back for dinner, I felt relieved when I knew, I don't have to take dinner with them since they left, instead I found my self sitting alone in my usual place on the empty table, it felt bigger then usually, I suddenly noticed that it can have eight persons , it's a large table, wonder if Martha felt the same when she ate on it before on her own.

My phone ring brought me back from the other world, the thoughts world to the real one, I checked to see Youcef number, my heart trembled , why is he calling, I stared at the phone not knowing what to do, my finger kept going from answer to decline the call, undesitive, not knowing where to stop, eventually the phone stopped ringing so I put it back on my desk, I looked at it for a few minutes, but he didn't call again, that's so much him, he never insists on anything, but why did he call, what does he want ? And if he calls again, what should I do? Oh My Allah ! What should I do.

I closed my eyes and get back to work, I have so much thing that needs to be done, I have to finish one project this morning since I have classes after so I must hurry up, it's already 10 O'clock.

After two hours :

-Are you going to take the call or not ? Clara asked.

-Oh, you scared the hell of me Clara, when did you come? I asked after managing to stay on my chair, my heart beats were fast due to the chock .

- Answer now, your phone. She looked at me annoyed

-Don't know If I should, I said still unsure.

Once Upon A Stranger  "Islamic Story" #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now