Where I Come From

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^^The car^^
--- Lucinda's POV ---

I stared down at the test in my hand, and growled. This was the third one. All positive. Fuck. I sighed.

Calm down, it's just a baby, not the end of the world. You love babies. What's the big deal?

I dunno, I like babies too.

I like babies. I'm just not sure I want one coming out of me.


Got it.

There was a knock on the stall door. "You okay in there, doll?" I was at Jackie's bar again. I didn't want to risk this at home.

I sighed. "Yeah, Jackie, gimme a minute." I burnt the stick, and fixed my clothes quickly.

I opened the door, and she was standing in her classic 'tell me.' Pose, Arms crossed, footy tapping, hip cocked.

I grinned. "Yes?" She tapped a bit faster and raised an eyebrow. I cracked under that gaze. "Fine. It was positive, three times. And it was a magical one, so it was accurate."

She blinked, then grinned. "The father?"

I waved a hand. "My birthday present. A stripper named James. Cute guy, a little shy afterwards."

She nodded. "Very nice, very nice. Name ideas?"

I shrugged. "I was thinking about just James, like my grandfather and also the babies father, or Jenna... But they're so common. And remember Jenna from highschool? Ugh."

She laughed. "It's true what they say, you never realize how many people you hate until you try to name a baby. Hmm... How about Lillian?"

"Possibly." I shrugged. I started washing my hands, thinking. We walked out, and I mused, "How to tell Maximus... I wouldn't want him to feel replaced, or that I loved the baby more..."

"Now that's a ridiculous thought." He said from right in front of me. He was sitting at the bar, holding a mug.

I blinked. "Well then. Problem solved. I've already told you. Great."

He laughed. "Indeed. Hey Jackie."

She waved and stood behind the bar. "I like Lillian, but what if it's a boy? James is so... Common."

"Marcus? Mars Ultor..." I whacked Maximus upside his head.

"I'm not naming my baby after a god. That's such bad luck." I said.

He nodded. "So Marcus... Jason, the leader of the Argonauts..."

"Also bad luck, remember how he died." I shrugged.

"So Marcus-"

"Why are you stuck on Marcus?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "I just like it. I dunno."

I hummed. "I don't, actually... Marcus Pendragon. Hmph. No." I huffed, and accepted a mug of alcohol from Jackie.

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