Clumsy Shakira >.<

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Shakira’s POV

I walk down the stairs to find Niall, Zayn, Louis, and Harry sitting on the couch.

“Hey lads” I said as I walked down the stairs and Niall got up from the couch and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. Niall leads me hand in hand and we sat together on the couch.

“How long ago did Liam leave to find Sammy?” Harry asked, he has concern written all over his face.

“He left about half an hour ago...” I replied, standing up.

“I have an idea!” I yelled, going to run into my bedroom, but instead, I ran into the doorway... Falling over.

“Are you alright?” Niall called, too lazy to get off his butt and see.

“Am I in Narnia?” I muttered, Niall sighed and walked over. “No, you’re in your best friend’s house... Wait, why am I even replying. C’mon, get your butt off the floor.” I pouted and shook my head.

“But it’s so comfortable!!!” “You leave me no choice.” he muttered, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulders. “Please, put me down!” I yelled, trying not to laugh. Then Niall opens the French doors that leads into the pool.

“INTO THE POOL YOU GO!!!” Niall yelled and threw me into the pool. “Niall!” I yelled,emerging from the water.

“What?” he asked, raising an eyebrow...

“Why the bloody hell do you think I haven’t been in the pool all week?!” I cried, sludging over to get a towel... He shook his head, then suddenly, without any warning he realised.

“Fuck! Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked, rushing over. “For one, we haven’t even been dating that long and it isn’t something you share. Secondly, I don’t know... Admittedly Sammy knows, but we’re girls so its OK to share that”

“I’m so sorry!” he said, I giggled. “It’s alright... I feel like ice cream”

“LOUIS, HARRY, ZAYN!!! I’M OFF TO GET MY GIRLFRIEND ICE CREAM TO MAKE HER FEEL BETTER!!!!” Niall screamed and grabbed my hand then pulled me towards the car.



“I’m wet and cold, can I at least go and change?”

“Ohh of course” I smiled, kissed him on the cheek and ran into the bedroom. “Stupid Niall... But oh well.” I muttered to myself.

“Shakira?” Sammy called from outside the doorway. “Give me a second! I’m kind of in my underwear at the moment.” I heard her laugh, it isn’t that funny... I thought.

I got mini shorts and a white top with the words “Kiss Me.. .I’m Australian ;)” I opened up the door to find Sammy standing there.

“Hey... Where were you?”

“I needed to get away, you know where I like to go and think?”

“Yes, but it was a movie!” I cried, giving her a serious look.

“Did I ever tell you about Jake?”

“No, I have never heard that name” I leant against the doorway, well, the one I previously ran into...

“He is my ex boyfriend who went to war, and never came back. He was shot. I don’t like to talk about it, but when you picked that movie and everything came flooding back. Plus I’m on my dot so I’m all emotional”

I cracked up laughing. “Wait, I’m sorry... That was terrible... I PROMISE I’m not laughing at your story thing about the dude with the war and stuff.... Okay Shakira, stop talking... I’m a terrible person, seriously... Stop talking... Niall!” I yelled, at this point, I could see Sammy face palming.

“Stop it...” I muttered, leaving Sammy as I went to run out the door, but me being me, tripped... Again.

At this point, Sammy then laughed at me before coming up and whispering in my ear. “I know your secret.” and walked off... The fuck?

“Why on earth are you on the ground again?” Niall asked, sitting beside me... “I felt the ground needed a HUG” he laughed. “You’re weird you know that right?”

“If I’m weird... You’re weird... Therefore you’re dating a weirdo.” he smiled. “Yeah, you’re my weirdo.” Niall said as he gave me a passionate kiss on the lips.

“I still want ice cream.” I muttered.

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