Chapter Three

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Knowledge is more important than beauty.


Cara's POV

"Phew. I finally found peace" I told myself while reading a book. I was now reading a book in the campus's library. It's lunch time though so, I'm free to do whatever I want.

Hays. I'm not in the mood to eat my lunch. I wanna eat a cookies. My grandma's special cookies. I miss her cookies. Someday, I will visit our province. It's been 4 years since I last visited our province.

Josh's POV

I was borrowing a book in the library when, I notice someone familiar. I move forward to see her face clearly and saw.. Ms. Nerdy she's reading a book. What is she doing in here? She must be eating. Tsk. Nerd problems.

"Look what we have in here" I said as I sit in the vacant chair in front of her. She lift her chin up and look at me. Haha she's so pissed off.

"I was reading here peacefully but, you distract me! What the hell is your problem?" She said trying to calm herself. I know she's afraid to shout at me because, the librarian might scold us. Such a smart Nerd.

"I just want to say you're really ugly" I chuckled. "I know I'm ugly so please. I'm begging you to stop this and go away? And one more thing stop saying ugly to me because, I already knew that" she said in sarcasm. I find her funny. Nerds really.

I get up and start to walk away while, laughing silently she's so funny. If you just saw her face you'll surely laugh.

Cara's POV

"What is he up to? Err Its kinda annoying!" I cursed. "Keep quiet Ms. Gomez you're not the only one who's reading" the librarian said. She still can hear that? Wow, what a awesome ear!

After reading I went to my next subject which is Math. I took a seat when I reach my destination but, then I saw Josh again seating on my back. Err.

"Good Afternoon Class so, let's start this. Ill be grouping you in 2 persons in each group. Since we have 30 students in here there will be a 15 pairs. I have a box in here pass this in your back. Who ever has the same number you pick. you'll be the partner. Do you get me?" We all nodded and the box starts to roam around.

I open the paper which I pick and my number is 12 who will be my partner? I hope it's Troy.

"Now, open the paper you just pick and find your partner. "

I asked Troy what's the number he pick but, he's number 14 aww. I'm 12. I also asked Michelle what's her number but, she's number 05. I asked all of my classmate but, there's only one person I didn't asked.. "Josh" I whispered.

How can I approach that Jerk? Aish think wisely Cara. You're a nerd, remember? I sigh heavily and went to Josh's place.

"What's your number Mister?" He lift his chin to look at me and said, "Tsk. So rude." Rude? So, I'm the rude ones huh? "Rude?" I asked confusingly.

"Yes. Rude." I raised a brow and said, "Who?" "You. You're rude" he answered. "Me?" I pointed myself. "You should say 'excuse' first" he said. Excuse me? Err fine.

I sigh heavily and said, "Fine. Excuse me Mr. Collins what's your group number?" I asked emphasizing the word Excuse.

"12 I'm number 12. Why? " my eyes widened in horror. The fudge-- this is-- this is the most terrible dream I ever had please wake me up! Err

"Tsk. Looks like Ms. Nerdy saw a ghost. You're so ugly." He said he really knows how to annoy me.

"We're partners" I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Really? A handsome boy with a nerdy girl? That's a big NO" he shouted emphasizing the word No.

" Tsk. Do you think I want to work with you?" I said then, went back to where I seated.

"I will announced your group work tomorrow so, please don't be absent. I need your cooperation guys. But for now, it's a goodbye. You may now go"

After that I arrange my things in my bag. When I got finished I exited our classroom.

I was now walking in the hallways it was so quiet I can only hear the birds chirp. It's a music in my ears.

I decided to visit the campus's rooftop. I wanna breath fresh air and I need silence.

I was now facing the door I was about to open the door when I hear a pluck of a guitar. It's so pleasant to hear. I lean my ears in the door and listen carefully. I decided to sneak inside.

Then, I saw a boy a handsome boy. I didn't bother to speak I don't wanna distract him.

But-- I step on a plastic, that make a noise. He stop what he's doing and face me.

"I-I'm sorry" I lookdown. "No need to say sorry. It's okay " he said then smiled at me.

"You're not mad?" I asked him. He smiled and walks forward "Nope. I'm not mad." He answered. "Thank you" I muttered.

"You're the transferee, aren't you?" He asked. I nod my head and said, "Aha! I'm the transferee"

"So, how was Josh? " he asked again. I look at him confusingly and said, "You know him?" "Of course he's popular and we're in the same team in basketball " he answered.

"Really? You're close to each other?" "No. Not really but, he's a good basketball player" he said.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2016 ⏰

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