Chapter 1

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I woke up suddenly to the awfully annoying sound of my alarm clock. If there is one thing that I hate, it is clocks that make noises. I rubbed my eyes gently, hopped out of my bed and started to find something wear. After running my hand on each shirt that hung on my rack, I picked a blue shirt that said Just Be in big letters.
After I dressed myself, I dried my hair a bit better from my shower the night before, tied my bright colored shoes, said goodbye to my mom, and got into my ugly green jeep.

The sun was already rising over the  mountains while I drove on the bumpy roads of West Bent. I no longer lived in the more populated neighborhood of the small town I call home, instead when I turned three, we moved into a larger house out in more of the countryside of West Bent.

The drive to my school takes about fifteen minutes, if you don't count traffic. My small town had a few flaws for that reason, the only real school that we had was an elementary and a Charter school they had built a few years ago. Other than that, my middle school was almost a half of an hour away, and my high school fifteen minutes.

After a short drive of listening to music, I finally got to Boltman High School. I got out of my cramped car, dug through piles of stuff I needed to clean out to get my stuff, and started to walk into the large doors that led into the commons area.

I got inside, walked up the stairs, through the crowded hallway, and to my blue locker. It had only been a few weeks sense I started my last year of High School and one thing that I really liked about the new renovation of our school was now our lockers had pad locks.

I was putting my books on my small shelf, when I felt a tap on my back. I glanced over and saw small Ashlyn standing there smiling at me. Even though we are best friends, we look nothing alike. First off, I am 5"5 and she is a little below 4"11. Second, she, of course, has light blond hair and I have dark brown hair that appeared black. Last, she had soft-green eyes and I had ocean blue eyes.

"Did you finish the math homework?" She asked, which wasn't a surprise because she has always been worried about my grades.

"How do you know that I even had math homework?"

"I just figured 'cause..."

"But you don't know for sure, because you finished math when you were a junior." I interrupted.

"I just figured you did because you asked me that question last night." She said.

"I asked you that question because I, uh, was making some, um, cookies. Yeah, I was making some cookies, and so I asked you that to convert the fractions." I smiled at my lie.

"Nuh uh!"

I smirked, "Okay, fine, I did have a math assignment and yes I did finish it."

"Good." She said also smiling.

I grabbed my Biology book and we started to walk. "So how's Sam doing in college?" I asked looking down to her.

"Fine, I haven't talked to her for a while. How's John?"

"Good, he got a girlfriend a couple weeks ago... did I already tell you that?" I asked.

"Yeah," she then smiled in a teasing manner. "Are they going to get married?"

"I don't know, he just met the girl. That's just like asking if your going to marry Westen, you never know." I said.

She went red in the face from the mentioning of her crush. "Shhh." I figured that was because of my natural loud voice.

We were both just talking about random things, when we heard a familiar voice call out our names. We stopped and turned around. There, running up to us, was our friend Matt. We became friends with Matt in middle school when he kicked Ashlyn in the shins at PE and she had to go down to the office. I didn't really know it all worked out, but we have been friends, along with some of his close friends, for a while.

"Guys! Are you coming to the game tonight?" He asked. Matt was also on the Football team.

I glanced at Ashlyn to see if she had an answer for him, because I didn't really know, but she gave me the same look. I looked back at Matt, "We can come, but I'm not sure if John is coming home tonight. If he does, I probably can't."

"Same here," Ashlyn started. "Sam might becoming home too. She mentioned that she might be driving home this morning."

Matt nodded disappoint, "Oh, I understand, it's just this is the game before the playoffs, so there is only a couple more games left."

"We know, Matt, but we can't come support all of your games. Is Westen coming?" I asked.

Matt gave me a scowl, "He's also on the team."

"That's right," I said. "Is Rickey going? I bet Rose would come." Ashlyn nodded in agreement.

"I'll go ask, but please come if you can." Matt said running off.

I then remembered Westen and looked to Ashlyn. "Why don't you just ask him out?"

She turned to me, paused for a second to find out who I was talking about, and said, "Because I'm not sure he likes me."

"Even if he doesn't, he might just think that your asking just to be friendly." I said.

She nodded, then switched the subject. "Do you want to go on a hike after school?"

"That was random."

"No, it's really not. Falls almost over and we only have a couple of days left before all the leaves are gone. Come on, it'll be fun." She said.

I nodded, seeing my class in front of me. "I'll go, if we go for ice cream after."

"Okay, agreed." Ashlyn said walking further down the hall while I walked into my classroom.

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