When You break Luigi's Heart

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'No. No. NO! Why Luigi WHY?! Couldn't you just like I don't know... Waited for a little while or something?!' you think to yourself as you run over to (where you think) Luigi was but you had no luck on finding him. Then a few minutes later, you spot Mario minding his own business. You deside to go over to him to ask if he's seen Luigi. "Nah I never saw Luigi coming over or anything. But I DID see him run all the way over to the Castle's bridge. Maybe he's there right now." Wow Mario. Thanks a LOT. You TOTALLY didn't see him come over here or anything. Great. Now you just had to find this "Castle Bridge" thing that Mario was talking about. You decided that the bridge was going to be near the Castle. So you set off to the Castle... and then you start to hear music again and you think: 'Luigi...'    


Sorry that this chapter is short and everything. It's because that I wanted another chapter with Luigi singing once again. I get inspired by this in a book called Your beautiful voice and Awesome moves (Luigi x Reader) on wattpad. Once again sorry that this chapter is short but I do want my Awesome readers (That's you) to help me with a vote. The vote i: 'Should I put a chapter with reader singing or no?' I'm letting you guys deiced for me! If you want reader to sing or not, plz say so on the comments below and I'll put the results on a chapter! the votes will probably end around... 2/8/16. So if you want reader to sing in a chapter then plz vote now! Thank you and I'll see you in the next chapter!


Until we meet again (Luigi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now