Goodbye Home Town, And Hello World

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You are getting ready for your first trip on your own even though you were moving into this place called Mushroom Kingdom. You hate to leave your friends and family behind but you have promised that you would Skype with them as soon as your unpacked. Your mom and your best friends Chewy and Alexandra are waiting for your train to come. " Are you sure that you have to leave (Y/N)?" Alexandra asks you for the tenth time in a row. " Yeah I have to. It's my future." you reply. Chewy almost cries about this very situation. As you may recall, Chewy had a crush on you sense 1st grade. " Come on (Y/N), you can't leave me her." Chewy tells you while he pets your (H/C) hair. " Sorry Chewy but maybe you can find some one else in your life and move on... Not that I dislike you or anything." You say to him. You barley notice that your mom has been quiet the whole time. You ask your mom if she's okay. you probably shouldn't have done that. Now your mom is starting the speech of 'it-was-like-just-yesterday-you-were-in-dippers' non-sense. Luckily your train arrived as if it knew you had to get out of there. You give everyone hugs and goodbyes and went on the train. You wave bye on the window and once the train starts moving you already feel a little homesick. You get out your (F/D) (that means favorite device if your wondering) and you put on (F/S) and you start to play minecraft.          

Until we meet again (Luigi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now