just a son. was he her fix?

13 0 0

*she would stand in the other room talking to one of his sisters as he woke and he would mumbles to himself coming to opening his eyes slowly waking*

I don't have "those" feelings for him..I see him as a son. Nothing more

then why....?

Why what?

lets just say " i know " ok?

*the boy would stand and decide he was hearing things walking to them*



*glomps her kissing*



love you mommy

-hugs- I wuv you. Mama is busy, ill be right with you.



can we doit again after?



-cuddles- I'll give you snuggles

you said

so what? im not in the mood. 

*kisses your cheek*


also as for that what you saw last night mommy doing barley clothed

Well duh but it wasn't sexual at all

you encouraged them and endorsed it

it was

Not at all actually.

Why you thought it was sexual is beyond me

I have no idea what you mean right now...you just randomly started yelling at me

no i didnt *tears up*

playing along for them

do you not understand?

none, i dont

why do you do this to me

I'm treating you well. You're the one mad at me for no reason

*is crying how you've treated me*


are you having sex with others?

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