Entry One

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March 12th

I saw you today on the way home. I always see you. You always have your black backpack slung over your shoulder and those two prissy girls who always yell out insults at me were with you. I don't know why you hang out with them. You're better than they are, they don't deserve your company. They'll only step on you in the end to try and make themselves feel better. Thinking about how much that will hurt you makes me upset. I don't want to see anything hurt you, ever. Like that boy who called you fat back in 5th grade. I'd never tell you this, but I'm the one who threw his homework into the garbage. I know you'd appreciate it if you knew, you'd appreciate all the things I've done for you because you're just the perfect woman and you're so kind to everyone. 

I stopped by your house after I finished my home work. I told my mother that I was heading over to Dan's house, if only she knew that Dan and I weren't really friends. I wonder what she'd think. Your window was open like it usually was and I was sitting near the bush. God, you're so beautiful when you're talking on the phone. Sometimes I wish you'd look over and see me. I wonder how'd you feel if you understood how much I loved you. I'm sure you'd be thrilled but I'm too afraid to tell you about it. The other kids would make fun of you if you ever decided to be with someone like me and I'd never do that to you. So I'll keep watching you from the shadows, imagining myself in your life. Its okay, I'm content with the imaginary.

Did you know your brow furrows in the cutest of ways when you're trying to figure out your math homework? I'm really good at math, I could always come in and help you but I'm still determined to keep my distance. You deserve someone better than me. I'll never be worth your time or effort, but I can't stop myself from watching you. 

Always with love,


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