(so hey u guys this is assata nd thx for reading umm there is going to be three parts of the story but anywhere here it is babessssssss)
nicki:wake up barbieeeeeeeeeeee
nehcole:go away
nicki:no get up school is todaii plz get up before ur dad comes
(so I got in the shower did all my hygiene stuff nd dressed in a black adidas tracksuit with the matchin shoes nd curled my hair to stop down my back nd white beanie)
drake:ayye my baby lookin rite
nehcole:aww thx daddy well bye now
(I got in my hotpink range rover nd called my besties sovay nd brena')
phone convo
nehcole:hey chica
sovay:where r u at u no we suppose to meet at our spot (aka mcdonalds)
nehcole: im on my way
(so I drove to our spot nd seen sovay nd brena eating a parfait so I rolled my window down)
sovay:heyyy boo
nehcole:no where is mine yo fat a** got u one but not me*pouts
sovay:calm yo tits get out the car nd get urs
(I got out the car nd grab mines nd ran to the passenger side nd sat in brena lap)
brena:get yo fat a** off me before I die
nehc:*pouts*I thought u loved me
brena:*laughs* its time for school or well be late lets go
(so we got in our cars nd we pulled up juss in time nd got out now we have a big clique nd were very popular but were not bullies oh nd were all in our senior year but nyways me nd my chicas walked in as always looking fresh nd as usuals boys whistling but when I got to my locker I saw my boo)
(I ran up to him in jumped in his arms nd he kissed my cheek)
diggy: wats good ma
nehcole:nun much
brena:lets go to the cafeteria
(we walked to the cafeteria nd I sat on diggy lap waiting for the crew to come)
sovay:were r they at
diggy:probably at the court they coming in 3...2...1..
(on cew they came in nd Jacob came running)
nehc: MY AFRO PUFF!!
(Jacob came nd picked me up nd we had a kiss cheek war something we do all the time lolx)
skyia:u forgot about miiiii
nehc: no I didn't boo*hugs* hey miya
Justin:wassup everyone
sovay:BABYYYYYYYYY*hugs Justin**they go out nd Jacob nd skyia *
nehcole:everyone I got tickets to go to a basketball game in newyork
nehc:meet me after skool at my house nd pack a bag for a month
Justin:wat about school
nehc:my mom took care of tht
*skipping to lunch*
(so I walked in the cafeteria with amiya nd we went to our normal seats nd started to talk about mindless behavior yes the girls love them lolx)
brena:did u see ray ray krumping yesterday
nehcole:yasssssssss did u see roc grinding omg if he had a twin we would be alritee
sovay:y u say if he had a twin
nehc:cuz he date this chick named kemi so yea
(at the end of the day it was time to go my house I cant wait)
so u guys im going to post each chapter every sunday or during the week but for sure sundays nd extra thx for reading nd give me comments to let me noe someone is reading love u guys stay mindless nd I love you guys ooo ndshout out to _iMindless check out her books theyre great bye now lolx*!