(we made it to Chicago California and got settled in our on rooms before the game me and diggy were paired up)
nehcole: can u help me unpack
diggy:nope because I to do mine first
nehcole:I thought u loved me pookie bear :(
diggy:ughh ok but u have to help me when we get back
(as me and ray finished packing we layed on the bed and stared at each other and before I knew it he leaned in and I did to and we kissed and that turned into him sucking on my neck)
brena': ahhhhh*moans* s-s-stop ray we got to go
(I slid up from under him and my phone had a text telling us to come to lobby to leave)
brena':its time to ray there waiting for us down stairs
ray:well we'll finish this when we get back
(he got up and squeezed my butt and headed out the door)
brena':I swear I love him
(as I was unpacking I felt Justin staring at my butt and a sligh grin came across my face at the thought, so I turned around and saw him looking)
sovay:see something you like
Justin:helll yes
sovay:what is it
Justin:you*walks toward her
(he grabbed my waist and we leaned in until his phone vibrated which led me to continue unpacking)
sovay:who was that
Justin:ray they downstairs waiting on us
sovay: oh well lets go
(we all went to the car and headed to the game when we made it there we got our seats and watched the game at the end of it we made our way to the floor to get autographs from the players and went out to eat).