Chapter four

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Louis P.O.V.

Harry was going to pick Louis up any minute. Louis was maybe a bit to excited and ready. He loved carnivals and Harry was really cute. Yeah, he had decided that they should go to the carnival that was visiting town at the moment. It was not to sappy and it was real fun. The clock was 3.26 pm and Louis decided that it was definitely time to go out to let Harry pick him up. He checked himself in the mirror one last time before heading out. Louis was wearing skinny jeans that made his butt look great and a simple sweater if it got a bit chill when they were out. Locking the door and stepping into the elevator he giggled. He was really excited, he really hoped that he didn't fuck anything up when they were there. The truck was already waiting for Louis by the sidewalk. Harry didn't step out of the car, he just sat there waiting and looking out of the windows searching. Louis stopped by the door for awhile to look at him. He looked really cute with all his locks in a bun. Soon he stopped admire Harry and walked up to the truck.

"Hey Harry." Louis said smiling again. He stepped into the car but bumped his head in the car-roof.
"Ouch!" He cried out, looking really pained.

"Oops! Hi, are you okay?" Harry asked with a little smile that showed concern and a bit of laughter. Harry was really cute, a bit to cute for his own good. Louis closed the door and leaned over to hug Harry. He usually greeted people like that. But Harry wasn't really ready so he shied away a bit. He never greeted his few friends that way. Though Louis just ignored it and pulled him tighter. They pulled away and Harry looked down while Louis gave him a big smile.
Harry started the engine on the first try. Which was really good for the old truck.

"So how are you Harry?"

"I'm good." Harry answered back stiffly, Louis could clearly see that something was up but he ignored it since he didn't want Harry to feel awkward.

"Well I'm good as well." Louis gave Harry a warm smile. He wanted him to feel good but he knew Harry wouldn't tell him anything about it if he didn't trust him first.


"C'mon Harry! Look at the big rollarcoaster!" Louis shouted and stopped for a second to admire it.
"You and me are gonna ride that one later." He whisper excited, Harry just looked really frightened.

"Uuh I d-don't know Louis. I really don't like rollarcoaster." Harry stuttered slowly.

"Hey don't worry we don't need to if you don't want to." Louis assured him.
"But I can hold you're hand if you're scared." He winked to Harry. Harry blushed and started to walk away from Louis towards the small rabbit boats for kids.

"Well aren't you comin' Lou?" Harry smiled dorky at him.

"Of course Hare!" He said running towards him. Harry had chosen a really lame ride but Louis kept it inside. They bought two tickets and stepped into one of the little boats with rabbits on them. Louis took Harry's hand without any hesitation. Harry looked down and said

"Well I really don't need any hand holding in this ride?"

"I do. Bunnies scare the living shit out of me actually." Louis said jokingly back. He really was serious about being afraid of them but Harry would probably just laugh at him.

"Seriously?" Harry didn't look like he was going to laugh so Louis gather up all his courage and nodded.
"Well I don't judge. I'm afraid of stuff too, you know."

"Like?" Louis asked without thinking.

"I really don't want to speak about it but before we start anything you need to know that I'm kinda depressed. So don't expect too much and always be ready for the worst." Harry said seriously. Louis hugged Harry tight and nodded his head in his chest. He wanted Harry to know that he would make that depression go away and instead make unicorns and rainbows. All Louis wanted was Harry to be happy. He had the most beautiful smile. Harry would always flash it when he was in a good mood or when something funny happened. Louis was always a pile of adoreness after those special moments.

The clock was 5.30 pm and they had already been there for an hour and a half. Louis was starting to get hungry after all the running around. They had already won a lot of candy on the spinning wheels. And ridden a lot of funny rides, some a bit lame but the most of them were great. Although they had smashed their faces with candy the suger-kick had started to wear off and Louis was seriously starting to get hungry.

"Hey, Harry do wanna go grab a meal?" Louis said while stopping to look at him. Harry turned around and smiled.

"I was just waiting for you to ask." He blushed quietly.

"Awwwe." Louis smiled Harry was so cute.
"Okay I know this place. It's pretty close and they serve delicious tacos." Louis said while grabbing onto Harry's hand and dragging him along. The taco place was actually just across the street, it really wasn't a long walk.

They walked in and sat down at the high tables right next to the windows. Harry squirmed a bit in his seat but Louis was far to high up in the magical rainbow land to notice. A cute girl with a high blond ponytail came towards their table with two menus. There were really not a lot on the menus just five different supers. But since both Louis and Harry liked taco it was good anyhow.

"So watcha' gonna get?" Louis asked Harry casually. "Taco or taco with chicken?" He laughed, there really were nothing to chose between.

"Just taco. I've never tried with chicken and I'm not gonna try today either." Harry said stumbling a bit over his words. Louis nodded in agreement and raised his hand to get the chaper.

"We'll have two tacos. With a coke for me and you, Harry?" Louis said while looking at Harry. The chaper was only looking at Harry and it was starting to piss him off. Not that he wanted her to look at him but he didn't want her gawking over Harry. He was on a date with him so he was only Louis's tonight.

"Just a sprite." Harry smiled at the chaper while she wrote down their orders.

"It will be right up just in a few minutes." She said while walking away.

"bye b i t c h." Louis muttered and hoped Harry didn't hear it.

The clock was 7.03 pm and Harry and Louis was back at the carnival. They had eaten for about an hour and a half. The taco was great and the awkward tension was starting to fade away. Everything was going perfect, they were only going to ride on more ride. And Louis had already planed which one, Harry would probably not like it though. He need to ride the biggest ride in the carnival. The Gumwee. He had no idea why it was called that but he was going to ride it.

"Okay I thought we could ride one last ride and then go home?"

"Sounds good to me. Which one?" Harry asked back.

"The Gumwee." Louis answered back brightly a bit held back.

"I don't know, Louis. I really don't want to ride it." Harry said slowly looking down at the ground.

"C'mon don't be a wimp!" He said while pulling a bit on Harry's shirt.

"No I don't wanna!" Harry started to rise his voice. Louis looked at him.

"Okay, okay! We don't need to do it." Louis said sloppy.
"So what do want to do then?" Louis was a bit grumpy but he could keep it in.

"We could just go back to yours and watch a movie?" Harry said questioning.



So this is the fourth chapter I hope you liked it!

Up on the roofs ɞ Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now