Chapter 1

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Life with Ginny was like a routine. Wake up beside her every morning, give her a quick kiss, eat breakfast, do class, eat dinner together, do homework, go to bed. It never changed, and Ginny never wanted to do anything else.
Harry couldn't help but be bored. He knew he shouldn't. After all, everyone wanted a love like this, with a certain way to do everything and a certain way to love each other. Harry was starting to think he wanted the polar opposite. He wanted someone who would take him on a roller coaster ride, pulling his heart every which way until he felt lovesick and dizzy, then do it all again.
Harry wanted someone who would stay out too late, break the rules, take the lead. Harry realized, at least subconciously, that what he wanted Draco. Of course Ginny loved him the way that she should. It wasn't anything wrong with her. He just wanted... More.

Draco Malfoy was bored out of his mind. Pansy and her friends came and went in his rooms, serving his needs. They did their job, but he was never satisfied. He didn't quite have love, and he wanted to know how it felt.
Days came and went. The two passed their time as usual, keeping to themselves. One day Harry was telling a joke to his friends. It was hilarious to him, but for some reason none of them laughed. They just stared at him awkwardly as if waiting for explanation. To Harry's surprise, he heard something from across the room. To be specific, he heard a long laugh, sharp yet joyful in tone. Was that... Malfoy?
A hysterical Draco stopped cold when he realized that he shouldn't even have heard that joke from where he was sitting. Flustered, the blonde boy quickly attempted to save his reputation. "Haha, Potter's jokes are always so ridiculous. Well, at least we know he won't be a comedian as an adult."
Draco couldn't help feeling a little bad when Harry flinched, even if he would never admit it. Harry himself didn't even know why it stung, but he looked away unhappily.
Dinner soon ended, and people went to their dorms. The boys were left lying awake, worlds away but no doubt thinking of the same thing. In his distress, Draco decided that maybe something to eat would clear his head, so he got up to sneak into the kitchen and get something to eat.
Coincidentally, Ginny had woken up midway through the night and was begging Harry for a glass of water, so he had to go down to the kitchen as well. Harry walked slowly, still a bit groggy from being shaken awake by the fiery redhead he had long before grown tired of. 
Harry entered the kitchen none too quietly, grabbing a glass cup. From behind him, someone bumped into him. Harry stumbled clumsily before regaining his composure and rubbing his eyes.
"Idiot, watch where you're going," an irritated voice hissed venomously.
Despite how he may have sounded, Draco was actually quite amused at how disheveled Harry looked. He appraised the boy again, taking in his mussed-up black hair and crooked glasses. "Actually, if I take another look you aren't too bad."
Harry wasn't so asleep that this phrase flew over his head. He knew exactly what Draco meant, he just wasn't quite sure he could believe it was really happening.  He had felt Draco's eyes rake over him critically, and he had also felt them moving along him once more in appreciation. He wasn't daft, after all.
Harry started to back away, feeling like a deer caught in headlights as Draco stared at him hungrily. A few slow steps and Draco was just as close as he had been before Harry moved. Harry felt trapped, caged by the wiry arms pressed to the counter on either side of him.
Draco looked at Harry closely, wondering if the young boy was really so opposed to what he wanted to do. "Harry, I'm sure you're just as bored as I am. Aren't you? I've seen the look in your eyes." Draco didn't enjoy admitting that he paid that much attention to Harry, but he did. He always had, in some ways.
Harry couldn't lie, he was bored out of his mind. He was fully planning on telling Draco to do whatever he liked, but before he could answer, Draco's lips crushed against his passionately. Harry didn't even have to think about kissing back.
Let's just say that neither of them were bored again, at least not in the ways that mattered.

A/N: Hey guys! I had a sudden hit of inspiration last night and wrote this bit of fluff. I was inspired by the song Bad by The Cab. Isn't this beautiful? XD

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