Chapter 10

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"Fine, I'll just figure it out by myself." Maru-hyung said then headed towards the stairs. My eyes widened and I immediately ran after him and blocked his way. "Yah Jongin! Move!" He scowled but I didn't move even a little on my spot.

"You can't go upstairs Hyung." I told him and his eyes narrowed as he folded his arms over his chest.

"Why so? Why can't go upstairs huh Kim Jongin?" He questioned as he's still wearing the same intimidating look, "What are you hiding? What kind of mess did you two entered again this time huh?" Aigoo! He'll kill us! Maki, help me here!

"N-Nothing! What are you talking about there hyung?" I stuttered, my own voice betrayed me. His stares became more intense making me gulped. "Hyung, it's re-..."

"What's happening here?" Maki cut me off. Oh god, finally Maki. "Oppa, what are you doing here?" She asked as she walked down the stairs with a towel wrapped around her hair.

"Jeon Maki!" Hyung barked that taken Maki aback, "Are you hiding a baby here? I heard one crying!" He's always like this, always straightforward that always making me speechless and dumbfounded.

I looked at Maki and she returned my gaze, "Yah! Answer me!" Hyung demanded and Maki sighed deeply. Wait? What's with that?! Does that mean she'll tell her brother about Kai?! Is she already tired of living?!

"Yah oppa, will you calm down and please don't shout I'm just right in front of you, you know?" She protested and she clicked her tongue. Hyung was about to retort but Maki beats him, "And about your question no, we're not hiding a baby here. What you've heard was the tv, I accidentally turned it on when I plopped on the bed and hit the power button on the remote." She narrated while wearing a very convincing face.

Ok, the best actress award goes to....Jeon Maki! She's really good at acting or should I say lying. I just hope Maru-hyung don't know this talent and buy her explanation.

I turned to hyung and he's just looking at his sister, and now they're having a staring contest. I bet a hundred box to Maki! And in"Ok." Hyung sighed. Yehet! Ohorat! Oh geez, Sehun's rubbing on me. "But will you please go change now? Why are you not wearing a bra and just wearing Jongin's shirt, huh?! Even you two are best friends and childhood friends this punk is still a guy and knowing him, you can't trust him with it comes to girls."

"Yah! I'm offended!" I complained.

"You really should! Suck it up!" If he's not Maki's brother and just a random guy I already kick his ass off.

"Oppa, Jongin, hajima! That's enough." Maki interrupted, "Why you acting like kids specially you oppa! Isn't Eunji-unnie looking for you already? Go home now!" She lectured and stormed upstairs. Maru-hyung was left dumbfounded on his spot. Serves him right ha! Just kidding, poor hyung.

"Aist! That punk is really a pain in the ass! She didn't even thank me for bringing clothes and food?! How dare her?!" Hyung protested as he dramatically thrown his hand in the air. "Fine! I'm leaving now! I won't do any favor for her ever again!"

I tried to open my mouth to say something, calm or comfort hyung but before any sound came out from me the front door slammed shut already. Poor door.


"Don't you think that you overdid it?" I started off, "He came here to bring us food and your clothes, you hurt his feeling you know that?" I told her or more on lectured her.

She's on the bed, lying while feeding Kai on her side, "I know that but that's the only thing I know to make oppa leave immediately." She sighed deeply, "But you're right, I overdid it. I'll surely apologize to him tomorrow." She glanced at me over her shoulder and gave me a quick then her eyes went back to Kai.

I heaved a sigh in defeat, I don't want to argue with her anymore. I'm too tired for anymore arguments for the day, for a whole week rather. I walked towards the bed and I slowly crawled up onto it and rested my chin on Maki's forearm. She turned to me with an arched eyebrow, "What?" I asked and after a short staring contest she sighed then shook her head meaning nothing.

We both focused our eyes on this little angel who's eyes are slowly starting to close. Awe~

"Hey Kai...I mean Jongin," Maki piped up, I hummed as response, "what's your plan about Kai? I mean, you can't just hide him here forever, you know?" After hearing that, I started thinking what should I really do about Kai? I can't just casually reveal him, I'm an idol and if I did that it will surely be a chaos.

"I seriously don't know." I answered honestly, "I'm not even sure yet if he's really mine." I don't know where did that came from but that make sense, right? I'm not yet really sure if Kai is mine, not that I don't like him it's just that I need to be very sure before I make a move.

Upon hearing what I said Maki immediately turned her head to me, making the gap of our faces shortened. My eyes automatically locked into her lips that made me gulped and I felt my heart beat fastened.

"You're doubting Kai?" She questioned and that made me snapped back to reality. Aist! Kim Jongin! What's happening to you?! Get a grip will you?! "What's with that? I thought you accepted him already? You even given him a name just awhile ago so, what's up?"

I pushed myself up from her forearm for some precautional measures then cleared my throat. "It's not like that, it's just that I thought if I'll reveal him I should be sure first that he's really mine, right?" I explained, Maki is just looking at me now not saying any word. "S-So, what do you think?" I followed up.

She pulled the now empty bottle of Kai from him who's sleeping peacefully already. She slowly got up and sat facing me, "You got a point there," she started off, good thing she understands. "but what will you do if you found out that he's actually not yours?" Ok, I never thought of that one.

I looked at the cutest baby ever after me of course, but seriously speaking if Kai is really not mine what should I do to him? I sighed deeply then flopped myself on my soft white bed, I covered my face with my arms and again heaved a sigh.

"Maki, otteoke?" I whined without moving a little, I heard her sigh then I felt the bed shifted and when I turned she's lying flat beside me already. She turned her head to me and we're just quietly looking at each other.

We're engulfed in silence not until we sighed deeply in unison.

"I have a friend in the laboratory at the university, I think she can help us." Maki piped up, I gave her questioning look not getting what she mean, "DNA test," she mouthed "you and Kai will do DNA testing." She clarified.

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