hey you guys i hope u like the jokes please dont take them seriously oh and if you guys have any good stories (i prefer romance) that i should read message me and i will check them out thanks. ill upload more if you guys vote/comment or become fan
thanks XOXO
yo mama jokes
*it took her 2 hours to watch 60 minutes.
*she asked for a refund on a jigsaw puzzle complaining it was broken.
*When the computer said 'Press any key to continue', she couldn't find the 'Any' key.
*I saw her jumping up and down, asked what she was doing, and she said she drank a bottle of medicine and forgot to shake it.
*she got locked in a mattress store and slept on the floor.
*She thought Meow Mix was a CD for cats.
*When she heard that 90% of all crimes occur in the home, she moved
*She invented wheel chair with pedals.
*She runs around the bed all night trying to catch some sleep.
*She put a peep hole in a glass door.
*She invented a water-proof teabag.
*Sher ordered the cheeseburger without the cheese.
*She tried to open up a daylight savings account.
*She thinks a pessimist is someone who sprays bugs.
*She thinks parallel parking means parking right next to another car.
*She sent her goldfish to obedient school.
*When she was playing blackjack at the casino the guy next to her said 'hit me', and she did.
*She thinks classified ads means they're top secret.
*When the bartendar said, 'Drinks on the house' she said, 'Why can't we just drink here?'
*When the bartendar yelled 'last call' she ran straight to the payphone.
*When people ask her how she's doing, she says, 'How am I doin' what?'
*She called the 'request' line at the radio station to ask for a ride to the unemployment office.
*She thought 'Dunkin Dounuts' was a basketball team.
*When she went to the spelling bee, she brought money
*At driver's ed, instead of teaching her to drive better they taught her how to report an accident.
*She put her watch in her piggy bank to save time.
*You have to roll over twice to get off her.
*She rolled over 4 quarters and it made a dollar.
*She can lay down and stand up and her height doesn't change.
*The horse on her Polo shirt is real
*That when she walked by the TV I missed three commercials.
*The only way to get her thru a doorway is to butter the sides and put a twinkie at the other end.
*She went to Jenny Craig and Jenny Craig said 'sorry, we don't do miracles'.
*When she tries to get outta bed, she rocks herself back to sleep.
ill have more tomorow, please comment and tell me what kind yo mama jokes u want nxt please