Bahá’u’lláh and the New Era

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Bahá'u'lláh and the New Era

by J.E. Esslemont

Edition 1, (September 2006)


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Baha'i Terms of Use Preface to 1937 Edition Preface to 1950 Edition Preface to 1970 Edition Introduction Chapter 1: The Glad Tidings The Greatest Event in History The Changing World The Sun of Righteousness The Mission of Bahá'u'lláh Fulfillment of Prophecies Proofs of Prophethood Difficulties of Investigation Aim of Book Chapter 2: The Báb: The Forerunner Birthplace of the New Revelation Early Life Declaration Spread of the Bábí Movement Claims of the Báb Persecution Increases Martyrdom of the Báb Tomb on Mount Carmel Writings of Báb He Whom God Shall Make Manifest Resurrection, Paradise, and Hell Social and Ethical Teachings Passion and Triumph Chapter 3: Bahá'u'lláh: The Glory of God Birth and Early Life Imprisoned as Bábí Exile to Baghdád Two Years in the Wilderness Opposition of Mullás Declaration at Ridván near Baghdád Constantinople and Adrianople Letters to Kings Imprisonment in Akká Restrictions Relaxed Prison Gates Opened Life at Bahjí Ascension Prophethood of Bahá'u'lláh His Mission His Writings The Bahá'í Spirit Chapter 4: 'Abdu'l-Bahá: The Servant of Bahá Birth and Childhood Youth Marriage Center of the Covenant Strict Imprisonment Renewed Turkish Commissions of Investigation Western Tours Return to Holy Land War Time at Haifa Sir 'Abdu'l-Bahá Abbás, K.B.E. Last Years The Passing of 'Abdu'l-Bahá Writings and Addresses Station of 'Abdu'l-Bahá Exemplar of Bahá'í Life Chapter 5: What is a Bahá'í Living the Life Devotion to God Search After Truth Love of God Severance Obedience Service Teaching Courtesy and Reverence The Sin-covering Eye Humility Truthfulness and Honesty Self-Realization Chapter 6: Prayer Conversation with God The Devotional Attitude Necessity for a Mediator Prayer Indispensable and Obligatory Congregational Prayer Prayer the Language of Love Deliverance from Calamities Prayer and Natural Law Bahá'í Prayers Chapter 7: Health and Healing Body and Soul Oneness of All Life Simple Life Alcohol and Narcotics Enjoyments Cleanliness Effect of Obedience to Prophetic Commands The Prophet as Physician Healing by Nonmaterial Means The Power of the Holy Spirit Attitude of the Patient The Healer How All Can Help The Golden Age Right Use of Health Chapter 8: Religious Unity Sectarianism in the Nineteenth Century The Message of Bahá'u'lláh Can Human Nature Change? First Steps Toward Unity The Problem of Authority Progressive Revelation Infallibility of the Prophets The Supreme Manifestation A New Situation Fullness of the Bahá'í Revelation The Bahá'í Covenant No Professional Priesthood Chapter 9: True Civilization Religion the Basis of Civilization Justice Government Political Freedom Rulers and Subjects Appointment and Promotion Economic Problems Public Finance Voluntary Sharing Work for All The Ethics of Wealth No Industrial Slavery Bequest and Inheritance Equality of Men and Women Women and the New Age Methods of Violence Discarded Education Innate Differences of Nature Character Training Arts, Sciences, and Crafts Treatment of Criminals Influence of the Press Chapter 10: The Way to Peace Conflict versus Concord The Most Great Peace Religious Prejudices Racial and Patriotic Prejudices Territorial Ambitions Universal Language Universal League of Nations International Arbitration Limitation of Armaments Nonresistence Righteous Warfare Unity of East and West Chapter 11: Various Ordinances and Teachings Monastic Life Marriage Divorce The Bahá'í Calendar Spiritual Assemblies Bahá'í Feasts, Anniversaries, and Days of Fasting Feasts Fast Meetings The Nineteen Day Feast Mashriqu'l-Adhkár Life After Death Heaven and Hell Oneness of the Two Worlds The Nonexistence of Evil Chapter 12: Religion and Science Conflict Due to Error Persecution of Prophets The Dawn of Reconciliation The Agnosticism Knowledge of God The Divine Manifestations Creation The Evolution of Man Body and Soul Unity of Mankind The Era of Unity Chapter 13: Prophecies Fulfilled by the Bahá'í Movement Interpretation of Prophecy The Coming of the Lord Prophecies about Christ Prophecies about the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh The Glory of God The Branch The Day of God The Day of Judgment The Great Resurrection Return of Christ The Time of the End Signs in Heaven and Earth Manner of Coming Chapter 14: 'Abdu'l-Bahá Creative Power of God's Word Napoleon III America The Great War Social Troubles After the War Coming of the Kingdom of God Akká and Haifa Chapter 15: Retrospect and Prospect Progress of the Cause Prophethood of Báb and Bahá'u'lláh A Glorious Prospect Renewal of Religion Need for New Revelation The Last Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Bahá The Guardian of the Cause of God Hands of the Cause of God The Administrative Order The World Order of Bahá'u'lláh Epilogue

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2008 ⏰

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