Skydil40 (Dark Prison)

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The place was dimly lit, dark patches scattered around the place that were only supported by the torches that were hung up on the walls.

And In that building were two players, doing parkour either easily or bareley.

Bodil effortlessly skipped along the floating blocks, a triumph grin plastered on his face as the brunette fell behind, struggling to keep up with the bulgarian; who would often tease him for being slow.

Sky groaned loudly, wanting to use command to quit the server, but he wouldn't do that to his friend, he knows how much that could hurt him.

He shook his head, why would he be that careful, they're just friends who like to prank each other, anyways.

He jumped onto a large patch of blocks, not being able to see properly with the sunglasses that he naver takes off.

He regrets this decision.


Ah shit

He stepped on a pressure plate, an iron one, the metalic sound came from infront of him, just centimeters away from his foot.

That troll.

He smirked smugly, gazing at the anvil as he stepped over it, he raised both of his hands, curling them around his mouth and sucking in a breath.

"HAH, you didn't get me, you i-"

He yelped as a pair of hands pushed him up on the anvil, the cold metalic feeling meeting his back as a presence stood infront of him, too dark to see.

The figure stood inbetween his legs, pinning the brunette down as a smirk glided across his face, orange eyes watching the brunet squirm underneath his gaze.


"Calm down, it's only me." Bodily says in his accent, feeling the younger one shiver in his grip.

But the golden eyes turned back to normal, now replaced with anger. He tries to get up, only to feel the iron sink into the back of his waist, which resulted in him flopping back down onto his back lazily.

He glares up at the Bulgarian in a pout.





"Hah, dingus."

"fuck you." Bodil grinned widely, still pinning the shorter male onto the anvil, but not noticing how he was hovering over the brunet by then. Heat rose up, though he'd though he might as well take the opportunity.

The conversation died out, but was still present in Sky's mind, it was until he realized that they were in a very akward position. That's a No no for the platonic friends book.

He never noticed how the Bulgarian stared at him hungrily-passionately.

"Uh, bodil?" He asked, not sure if the bulgarian was spaced out or embarrased. He stared at the once grinning man, his own grin disappearing.

He had thought about slaping the Bulgarian again, blinking.

"Bod- Mmfff!" He was cut off, a tongue slipped into his mouth, which caught him by surprise.

He stared wide-eyed at bodil, trying to muffle out the words of 'Stop!' His face turned red, he was sure he had no strength against the man a top him, after losing his strength trying to jump block after block.

He gave in.

He wrapped his arms around Bodil's neck, their tongues dancing around each other as it got more heated.

They pulled away, still engulfed by the dark, yet Sky's amulet provided them with light.

A string of saliva formed in between then, but quickly broken away when Sky licked his lips, cheeks were red, though bodil was a light blush, almost transparent.

Bodil chuckled, holding up the brunette as he grinned.

They stood, abit crumpled from the kiss but soon erupted into an akward fit of laughs.

"...Love ya!"

Sky pushed bodil off of the edge, a mischevious grin spreading across his face as the bulgarian screamed and swore at him.

A/N: I am going back and re-editing these chapters cause holy fuck.

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