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Drumming her nails on the table, Susannah sighed. Fifteen minutes. It's been fifteen minutes. She refreshed the window, hoping to see a new message in her inbox. One she was desperately waiting for.

Still nothing. With an impatient cry, Suzie slammed her laptop close and fell face-down on her bed. Am I not important enough, is that it? Her thoughts, her biggest enemy at moment, were all filled with just one one person. Just one guy.

Noah. She met Noah online, on a chatting website she had used a few months ago to save herself from sheer boredom. Suzie never imagined she'd ever befriend a stranger on the internet, let alone talk to one for months and get so close. Clearly, it's only me who thinks we have gotten so close. For some reason, the thought hurt Suzie. She considered Noah a good friend, even though they didn't really know each other that well. After all, how much can you know really know a person from online conversations.

Maybe most people would consider this a sad life, but these online conversations with Noah have been the highlight of her days these past few months. Maybe that's why she's never told anyone about this, not even to her best friend Madeleine. Maddie would freak if she knew. Suzie knew her friend would think it's some old pervert who preyed on women. Which could be possible, but Suzie knew Noah wasn't an ancient opportunist. If his profile picture was any indication, he was a fine, fine, young Irish lad.

The buzzing of her phone pulled Suzie away from the thoughts. It was time to get ready. Her cab would be here in half an hour. She went to her bathroom to freshen up, and changed into her comfy flight clothes- her old, oversized college hoodie, yoga pants and ballet flats. She meant to put her laptop in her bag, but the temptation was too much. She opened it up and went to her inbox with fingers crossed.

No new messages.

Resigned, she put her laptop in the bag. Armed with her purse, laptop bag, and a huge suitcase, she stood at her door, taking in the sight of her old, empty apartment. This is it. She took a deep breath, and stepped out. Locking this door for the last time, her fingers shook as the reality sunk in. This is really it.

Picking up her luggage, Susannah moved towards the cab waiting to take her to her new life. A new chapter.


Hi, everyone! This just struck me and I couldn't wait. I had to write this, I have just typed this on my phone within 20 minutes.
Give it a chance. I hope you guys like it! 😄

The song. Although, I think, the chapter doesn't give off this vibe, I was listening to it when I wrote this. It's one of my favourites!
Def Leppard - Pour some Sugar On Me
Anyone else who loves it too??

And to those who decided to check my story out even though the cover isn't too great- thank you, you're the best!!
I'll make a proper cover as soon as I can. I did what I could with a stupid photo editing app. Apparently the wattpad covers app, yeah, it asks that you log in with your account. And me being the stupid person that I am, I've forgotten my password. -_-

Anyways, thank you lovelies for giving this a try! 😘

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