Chapter 2

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*Emerald's POV*










That's how I made my way to school.

I walked into the large school building, made my way to the high school office, grabbed my schedule, and made my way to my locker.

Once I got to my locker, I unlocked it and organized it with my stuff.

After I organized my stuff, I looked at my schedule to figure out what I have first hour.

English, yay! Note the sarcasm.

I grabbed my things and headed off for English.

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Yay! Lunch time!!!! Hehe I love food! Once again, I'm a loner. But, I have heard there's a new girl coming. Maybe she'll be my friend! Highly unlikely.

I grabbed some pizza, a cookie, mt. Dew, and an apple before heading over to my table(the loner table, which consists of me).

I sat down, but soon regretted it. I stood up only to find a smushed Cinnabon on my seat. Typical.

"Hey, Lil!" I looked over and saw my best(only) friend Lupe. She's Mexican with dark brown, wavy/curly, breast length hair, olive skin, and curves in all the right places. She's got wide hips for being skinny and 5'1.

I hate it when she speaks Spanish to her other Mexican friends in front of me. Mainly because I don't know what they're saying.

"Sup bro!?" I asked.

"You'll never believe what I just heard!"

I looked at her indicating that I don't care but she continued.

"Lane is single!!" She squealed. Lane is a guy in our grade. He has muscles, really tan, and around 5'9. Lupe has had a crush on him since she moved here.

"I blinked at her showing that, once again, I don't care.

She let out a loud sigh. "Why are you never happy for me?" Oh hell no! God, she really pisses me off sometimes.

"This is EXACTLY how you act when I get excited over something. You never look like you give a shit of anything else! Oh, but lord forbid, everyone needs to pay attention to Lupe!" I shouted. I'm sure everyone was staring but I don't care.

"What the hell Lil?!" Oh. No.

"Don't 'what the hell, Lil' me! I'm going to walk away and let off some steam. If you follow me, I WILL blow up in your face. Understood?" She nodded and I turned on my heels and left.

I swear, I'm always kicked to the curb.



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