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I walked off of the stage and smiled.

I was so happy about the performance. I think we did great. Although, the kiss was the most disgusting thing ever.

I think I almost fainted when I saw Caitlin stroll over towards me. I don't understand what we even are. Are we together, or not?

"You did amazing Harold." She said blushing slightly. She kissed my cheek quickly, then walked off. I grabbed onto my cheek and smiled.

Still confused, but happy.

- - -

I was sitting in my last period class, Science, and Caitlin was only in my drama class. My only friend in here is.. Sam. She's not quite a friend, but she's the only person I talk to in this class.

"Harold, would you like to come shopping with me tonight?" She asked smiling at me. I've never really been asked to go anywhere. We're just friends, so I guess it wouldn't matter.

"Sure." I replied smiling back at her. I wrote down my number, and told her to text me later.

After class, I ran out, anxious to get home. I haven't been to a mall in a whole long time, so I'm not sure what to expect. All I know is, if she tries to make me carry her bags, I'm ditching her and walking to the library.

- - -


I sat in my last period class, Math, and sighed staring out the window.

"Caitlin." I heard Leeroy whisper next to me. "Yes?"

"We should go to the mall tonight! It'd be fun." He said smirking.

"Maybe.." I said not really wanting to.

"C'mon, we could rate people on a scale from 1-10 on how ratchet they dress!" He said being completely serious.

I burst out laughing and my teacher turned to me. "Is there something you want to share with the class Caitlin?" He said rudely.

"No.." I said quietly sinking into my chair.

"Only how you look ratchet today." Leeroy said with a huge smirk.

"What's ratchet?" Sir asked while the class burst into laughter. I felt kind of bad for our teacher, but it was the last week of school. What do you expect?

The bell rang and Leeroy bolted out of that classroom like his life depended on it. "So we're going to the mall right?" He said as I caught up to him in the hallway. "Yeah." I said finishing my mini laugh attack in the middle of the hall.

- - -

Me and Leeroy were walking around the mall, just goofing off.

"That sweater makes you look.. completely horrible." Leeroy said as I strutted around in a dark blue dragon hoodie made for 6 year olds.

I took it off and we headed out of the store.

"I don't want to!" I heard a familiar deep raspy voice yell from behind me. I looked around and spotted Harold. Oh my god what's he doing here with.. her..

I grabbed Leeroy's hand and pulled him into a store, behind a big rack of clothes.

"What are we doing?" Leeroy asked looking around at why we were hiding.

"Spying." I said. Leeroy looked around and spotted Harold with Sam.

"Ohh." He winked then smirked. "What?" I asked acting completely oblivious.

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